Wednesday, September 20, 2017

5 Parggraph Essay Conclusion

And now the bottom bun. Once again aren''t these great buns. So finally we come to the conclusion paragraph, the end of your paper and an extremely important part. Why? Because this is the final feelings the reader is reader is left with. Do you want the left with a poor vision of your paper? No you don''t you don''t want the left with bad taste because of a stale bun. Go ahead and write conclusion on your last sheet of paper So now we have the bottom bun. And wow looks pretty familiar definitely looks like something IVe seen before.

Oh yeah! , it looks Just like the to bun. The conclusion paragraph echos what the opening paragraph told us. Except now it looks a little different. No longer is it the glimmering shiny seseme seed strewed bun of anticipation we so before. Now it''s thick and doughy and supportive of everything that''s on top of it. The concluding paragraph is a lot like this. Its like the opening paragraph but doesn''t need to catch attention. It comes well armed be versed in the subject area Just ready to wrap it all up and keep it all together.

It''s not new or interesting but you need the conclusion in order to keep it all together. If you don''t have the bottom bun you try picking up a burger and eating it. You''ll probably make a big mess of your hands. With no conclusion you''re paper is never closed out and you''re left with hanging points of information that Just aren''t organized. Now a conclusion never really stands on its own. Here is the bottom bun. And look at this lettuce. A little bit of the dew has seeped down, the cheese has melted and some has adhered itself to the bottom bun, the meat Juices Just happened to trickle down.

And the bun is what''s catching all of this keeping it all together. The conclusion paragraph is the same way again. its takeing all the little bits and pieces of your body paragraphs. A bit from each one and then hold them together cohesively Now how do we go about writing the conclusion Firstly you have to answer "So What? " Show your readers why this paper was important. Show them that your paper was meaningful and useful. Lettuce us pickle ittle example. Burgers can provide an absolutely fantastic lunch that will immedietly better your day and quality of life.

This gives a reason for people to really want burgers and shows why its important to now about them. Synthesize, don''t summarize Don''t simply repeat things that were in your paper. They have read it, they know what you said. Show them how the points you made and the support and examples you used were not random, but fit together into one product Holds it together. Toppings aren''t flying eveywhere. Supports Ingredients keeps them together. Doesnt Just repeat ingredients. Redirect your readers Give your reader something to think about, perhaps a way to use your paper in the "real" world.

If your introduction went from general to specific, make your conclusion o from specific to general. Think globally. Open it up to everything, let us think about other burgers. But dont add new details. new meaning Dont throw a pizza underneat n Create a You dont have to give new information to create a new meaning. By demonstrating how your ideas work together, you can create a new picture. Often the sum of the paper is worth more than its parts. Flavors from the bottom bun from the plate or wrapper. Pickle Juice Salt from fries. Who knows whats on there open your mouth to new horizons.

You consume the paper as a whole. A good burger is consumed as a whole youre paper needs to fit together Just like that. 1 . The "That''s My Story and I''m Sticking to It" Conclusion. This conclusion Just restates the thesis and is usually painfully short. It does not push the ideas forward. People write this kind of conclusion when they can''t think of anything else to say. Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.

Still a burger 2. The "Sherlock Holmes" Conclusion. Sometimes writers will state the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion. You might be tempted to use this strategy if you don''t want to give everything away too early in your paper. You may think it would be more dramatic to keep the reader in the dark until the end and then "wow'' him with your main idea, as in a Sherlock Holmes mystery. The reader, however, does not expect a mystery, but an analytical discussion of your topic in an academic style, with the main argument (thesis) stated up front.

Example: (After a paper that lists umerous incidents from the book but never says what these incidents reveal about Douglass and his views on education): So, as the evidence above demonstrates, Douglass saw education as a way to undermine the slaveholders'' power and also an important step toward freedom. Aftertaste 3. The "America the Beautiful"" Am Woman"VWe Shall Overcome" Conclusion. This kind of conclusion usually draws on emotion to make its appeal, but while this emotion and even sentimentality may be very heartfelt, it is usually out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.

A more sophisticated commentary, rather than emotional praise, would be a more fitting tribute to the topic. Example: Because of the efforts of fine Americans like Frederick Douglass, countless others have seen the shining beacon of light that is education. His example was a torch that lit the way for others. Frederick Douglass was truly an American hero. I am burger, hear me roar 4. The "Grab Bag" Conclusion. This kind of conclusion includes extra information that the writer found or thought of but couldn''t integrate into the main paper.

You may ind it hard to leave out details that you discovered after hours of research and thought, but adding random facts and bits of evidence at the end of an otherwise- well-organized essay can Just create confusion. Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an interesting case study for masculinity in the American South. He also offers historians an interesting glimpse into slave resistance when he confronts Covey, the overseer. His relationships with temale relatives reveal Everything sandwhich the importance ot tamily in the slave communi

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