Monday, September 18, 2017

A Child Called It

A Child Called It Child abuse has become a huge problem in America today. Nearly five children die every day in America from abuse and neglect. 1 In 2011, an estimated 1,570 children died from abuse and neglect in the United States. 2 In the same year, Children''s Advocacy Centers around the country served over 279,000 child victims of abuse, providing victim advocacy and support to these children and their families. In 2012, this number was nearly 287,000. That''s why I have chosen to take this class, because this is the population I will be working with in the future. I wanted to get ome information on what''s the best way of working with these type of children and how I can help them in any way possible. When assigned to read "A Child Called it" I didn''t think anything of it, cause I have read it before, But while reading it this time there were several things that affected me to the core of my being, so much so, that I had to put the book down and come back when I wasn''t so emotionally charged.

In the following essay I will go into detail about these instances and mention several chances for people in the community, in the family and school staff to reach out and elp David get out of this horrible situation, but instead chose to turn a blind eye and let the torture continue. I stated previously, I have read this book before, since I was working with Juvenile probation in the halls and in the camps and many of the kids I came into contact with had dealt with some sort or abuse or neglect in their childhood at one point.

The kids I worked with all kept talking about these books, so I bought them and read the whole series. I couldn''t put these books down. The Auther, David Peltzer, brings you into his world and you as a reader can almost feel his pain and hurt. When I read the book this time it was even more painful for me, since I have my own child now, a boy who is 5 h now and about the age of David when his life changed and the abuse, neglect and torture started.

One of the first things that struck me while reading the book was why David''s family went from a happy "normal family," to family that was dysfunctional and abusive in a fairly short time. David''s mother was loving and caring and a woman that took them out and showed them places and taught them many things. She was a warm and loving mother that turned to his worst nightmare almost overnight. He mentioned alcohol and a family death but, I wonder if these were the only stressors? I wonder if his mother had a mental disorder or depression.

Also why David was the only child that was abused at first? His role in his family was the scapegoat. David received all the emotions of the family. In the other books you learn that his mother started to abuse his other siblings as time went on and she didn''t have David as the scapegoat. The second thing that I thought was interesting was David''s fathers never stood up to his wife and he allowed her to abuse and torture David without doing one thing to stop er. His father even stated he would rescue David, which gave him hope, so why did his father never do anything to help his son?

Was it because he was a drunk and was unable to take care of his children himself, because he was scared or because he Just didn''t know what to do? Why didn''t David''s father grow some balls and stand up for his family and make sure his wife wasn''t being an abuser? David''s father and mothe r''s dynamics would be called Dependant- Dominant. His tatner was also under control of his mother. His father knew what was going on, because he would see the esults of the daily beatings or abuse.

He would see that David was being kept separate and treated different, why didn''t he do anything? This baffles me as a parent. I couldn''t stand by and watch my son be abused, starved and tortured. David''s father was the bread winner, he could of easily took his children and went away to some place safe. David''s mother offered nothing to the family as a whole, so why was his father so weak and never did anything to help his children? This made David''s father an accomplice. He never did anything to get his child out of danger, and that is a responsibility as a parent.

I think David''s father should have gone to Jail or done some time for not reporting the abuse and neglect to the proper authorities. Let''s also bring up the fact that David''s father is a San Francisco Firefghter. I know there are many aspects that come up when it is your family and you are a mandated reporter, but if David was not rescued, he would have died due to the abuse and torture. Looking up in the CDSS (California Department of Social Services) under the Mandated Reporters, you see that Firefighters, except for volunteer firefighters are Mandated Reporters in the state of California.

So as a mandated reporter his father could have received the following as a penalty for failure to report: Approximately 47 States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands impose penalties on mandatory reporters who knowingly or willfully fail to make a report when they suspect that a child is being abused or neglected. 2 In Florida, a mandatory reporter who fails to report as required by law can be charged with a felony. Failure to report is classified as a misdemeanor or a similar charge in 38 States and American Samoa, Guam, and the

Virgin Islands. 3 In Arizona and Minnesota, misdemeanors are upgraded to felonies for failure to report more serious situations, while in Illinois and Guam, second or subsequent violations are classified as felonies. Twenty States and the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands specify in the reporting laws the penalties for failure to report. 4 Upon conviction, a mandated reporter who fails to report can face Jail terms ranging from 30 days to 5 years, fines ranging from $300 to $10,000, or both Jail terms and fines.

In six States, harsher enalties may be imposed under certain circumstances. 5 In seven States and American Samoa, in addition to any criminal penalties, the reporter may be civilly liable for any damages caused by the failure to report. 6 3. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey (charged as a disorderly person), New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,

South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. 4. Alabama, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. 5 . ln California and Massachusetts, harsher penalties are imposed when the failure to report results in the child''s death or serious bodily injury. Louisiana imposes harsher penalties when the reporter tails to report sexual abuse or serious bodily injury.

Delaware and Virginia impose harsher penalties upon second or subsequent convictions for failure to report. Vermont imposes its fine for failure to report when the reporter willfully failed to report with the intent to conceal the abuse. (Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2012). Penalties for failure to report and false reporting of child abuse and neglect. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children''s Bureau. Web So therefore, his father could have done Jail time and paid a fine for not reporting his own son''s abuse, not only that but he had a moral duty.

The last thing that shocked e was how mental she was. It wasn''t enough to abuse and torture him she also had to starve him. This is what especially made me emotional as a parent. I couldn''t believe that she would starve him for days and weeks on end and when he would steal food to try to survive, she would sock him in the stomach and make him throw up. I cannot imagine what he thought and felt. I cried and got physically sick. Poor kid was so hungry he was forced to eat what he had thrown up. Also eating food from the dogs bowl. I cannot imagine living like this with all the stress, hate, and sadness in his life on a daily basis.

I found myself wondering, how many other kids are going through something similar on a daily basis in their lives today. It made my heart hurt. Thinking about what a great childhood I had and what a great childhood we are providing for my son. I realized we are the lucky few that came out of our childhood untouched by abuse and neglect. I cannot imagine myself doing these things to my son that David''s mother did to him. I love my child so much, that I cant imagine doing anything that would even cause him to hurt/pain or cry. I don''t even like spanking him when he does something bad.

I would never think about beating or starving him. Parents usually love and enjoy watching their children smile and laugh, run and play its heart warming. Only mentally disturbed and sadistic parents would get Joy from making their child feel pain and purposefully making them hurt and cry. There were also many instances where someone could have gotten involved and changed David''s life forever by reporting abuse or calling CPS. One of the first instances was when his mother dislocated his shoulder and took him to the hospital. She explained to staff that he hurt it from falling off his bunk bed.

David stated that the look on the Doctors face, the Doctor knew that the story wasn''t true, but the Doctor didn''t report it. Once again, this Dr. was a mandated reporter and for not reporting he as well could have been Jailed or received a fine. The next instance was when a teacher took interest in David and the teacher after several times of questioning David she reports to the school administer. The principal call his mother into school and his mother manipulates the school staff. This is another chance that the school could have done something.

Everyone from the school secretary to the chool nurse knew that something was wrong with his home life and that he was stealing food, so why didn''t any of them make an anonymous report? Were they scared of the outcome or did they Just not want to get involved? This is something I would really want to know. The school nurse knew the situation because David confided in her, but once again she never did anything. If someone did report: the authorities would have to take action. By law, any report, no matter the circumstance, nas to be checked out. See Attached Flow Chart tor Clarification) The first thing that as to happen, is someone has to make the report. Someone has to be brave enough to call and report possible abuse and/or neglect. Once the report is made, the investigator will gather information from the reporter, school, police or other authorities. The worker/investigator then decides if there is enough information for an investigation. If no other investigation is needed: the worker then will contact the parent/family and explain that there was a report made. She explains the procedure and asks if the family would like any services.

If the family does she will give them nformation on services requested, if the family doesn''t want any other services, no further action is needed. If the investigator/worker feels that action is needed: the Worker then interviews the child, relative, police, teachers, doctors, etc. and the worker arranges for medical attention if needed for the child. The next step is to decide is the child needs protection. If the child doesn''t need any type of protection the worker decides if the family needs voluntary services? If no, no further action is required.

If yes, offer support services or a referral toa community agency or inistry. If the worker/investigator decides the child does need to be protected, risks to child are assessed and a plan to stop abuse or neglect is developed. There are 3 outcomes with this. 1) Court closes the case, 2) Voluntary plan is created and enacted, and 3) a court ordered family plan is created. Also, A child may be removed at any time during an investigation if the child''s health or safety is perceived to be in danger. The court keeps an eye on the family, until the worker feels the family is secure enough to move on without court supervision.

In conclusion, there were many hings that could have been done to stop this abuse, neglect and torture long before he was actually rescued. Why did no one in his daily life and community stand up for the welfare of a helpless child. Why didn''t any mandated reporters never report? The school staff, the doctors, the community, his father and other family members could have gotten involved instead of being scared or Just not wanting to get involve. Child abuse/neglect is becoming a huge problem in the United States and I Just hope that people will get involved and make a call if they see something that isn''t right.

I know that after reading this series and after knowing what I know, that if I ever see something I don''t think is right or if I don''t get a good feeling about something, I''d make the call. Because I really can''t hurt, and if there is something going on in the home, I could potentially save a child from going through what David did. Bibliography 1 Every Child Matters Education Fund (2009). We Can Do Better: Child Abuse and Neglect Deaths in the U. S. http://www. everychildmatters. org/storage/documents/pdf/ reports/wcdbv2. pdf. Web. 2013-10-01. 2 U. S. Department of Health and Human

Services: Administration for Children & Families. Child Maltreatment 2011. http:// www. acf. hhs. gov/sites/default/files/cb/cml 1 . pdf. Web. 2013-10-01. 3 National Children''s Alliance 2012 and 2011 national statistics collected from Children''s Advocacy Center members. Web. 2013-10-01. Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2012). Penalties for failure to report and false reporting of child abuse and neglect. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children''s Bureau. web 2013-10-08 "Reporting Process Chart. " N. p. , n. d. Web. 2013-10-05.

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