Thursday, September 28, 2017

Academy Of Neurologic Communication Disorders

The Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorder and Sciences (ANCDS), is an international organization founded in 1985, by a pioneering group of Speech- Language Pathologists, seeks to provide a forum for Speech-Language Pathologists with a special interest in neurologic communication disorders, an opportunity to connect and share research related to this specific area of study.

The ANCDS is governed by an executive board, as well as a standing board and committee boards. Although it boasts a modest 226 members within the continental United States, the rganization includes such prominent Speech-Language Pathologists as Nancy Helms-Estabrooks and Pelagie Beeson.

Their mission statement reads as follows: (The Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders seeks to): "Promote quality service to persons with neurologic communication disorders by developing training guidelines for preparation of speech-language pathologists for clinical practice with this population, developing standards for clinical practice of speech-language pathologists with this opulations, and to develop the standards and provide the means to certify specialists in this area of practice.

Promote state-of-the art education of practitioners in neurologic communication disorders. Promote exchange of information and ideas among its members. Promote research that contributes to better understanding and management of neurologic communication disorders. Provide leadership in the development of clinical expertise in neurologic communication disorders. " Membership can take two forms: Full and Associate, although recent newsletters rom the ANCD report these forms currently being under discussion to change to Full and Student.

In order to acquire a full membership in ANCDS, an applicant must have earned a doctorate in communication disorders, in addition to 5 years of experience in clinical practice, teaching, and/or research in the field of neurologic communication disorders OR have Board Certification. Dues at the full membership level are currently $70, with newsletter projections to rise to the rate of $100 in the next academic year. Benefits of full membership include the right to attend meetings, vote and hold office, as well as access to special articles and forums.

An associate membership is open to graduate students as well as those with "an interest in the purposes of ANCDS who do not wish to have the privileges of full membership". "Associate members are entitled to attend meetings and participate in activities of the association other than voting or holding office. " Dues at the associate level are currently $35. 0 The ANCDS promotes the goals outlined within their mission tatement by providing educational and networking opportunities to their members which include an all day meeting prior to the annual ASHA convention, as well as their own annual conference.

The ANCDS also sponsors a conference fellowship every year to awarded graduate students, providing them with an unparalleled graduate fellow was mentored by Nancy Helms-Estabrooks for an academic year. In order to obtain certification from the Academy, an applicant must past a certification written and oral exam, submit a written case summary, and pass a resentation and discussion. This process typically takes one calendar year.

This certification seeks to "promote leadership through the highest research standards and professional relationships across disciplines. " In sum, the Academy of Neurologic and Communication Disorders is a lesser known organization that provides unique networking opportunities and certifications within a specific subset of our field in order to deliver superior therapy to our clients through comprehensive and cutting-edge research and evidence based practice.

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