Sunday, September 24, 2017

Bootlegging Essay

Beeping noises are definitely necessary in this generation. Without them it would be crazy to survive, since we are so used to them. Imagine how life would be without any beeping noises would be. It would definitely be a lot more peaceful, but as well as dangerous. For example, every day in the street people use their horns to honk at other cars. That''s the way we communicate if something wrong was going on. In every way I feel like life wouldn''t be the same if things were silent. Everyday day and night you hear beeping noises.

For example, you hear them on television, the streets, inside buildings and phones of course. Sometimes you may hear BEEP BEEP a car honks or RING RING, when a telephone rings. There are a million beeping noises in this world and knowing the fact that they are their makes people''s life much easier and safe. We need the noises because they are a life safer. With the beeping sound knowing we know what the mean helps us be more cautious. Example, not everyone''s minds has it set on a certain time to wake up. Therefore that is where an alarm clock comes in andy.

An alarm obviously makes noises so it will wake you up on an occasion. As well as fire trucks, police cars, trains, school bells, whistles, trailer trucks, elevators and much much more. Without the help of the noises each individual object makes we wouldn''t know what would be going on. Some people may not agree and say it isn''t necessary and life would be much easier and peaceful; but I strongly disagree. Hearing beeping sounds is how I live my life every day. Society wants to make it easy for us so we can have a better enjoyment and safety life.

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