Saturday, September 23, 2017

Challenge By Another Name

Lecture "Anxiety: A Challenge by another name" 1 . What is Collier''s thesis? Based on your own experiences, do you think collier''s thesis is valid? Explain Collier''s thesis is "the new, the different is almost by definition scary. But each time you try something. You learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you. " I agree with Collier''s thesis based on my own experiences I think if you don''t try something you will never know if you like it or not. When I first try snowboarding I was nervous to fall and hurt myself but after confronting it I learned ow to stop and balance so I was not nervous anymore and now I really enjoy it. . What is the process known to psychologists as "extinction"? If you put an individual in an anxiety-provoking situation often enough, he will eventually learn that there isn''t anything to be worried about. According to the example that Collier''s gives us in paragraph 1 5 his son overcome to his anxiety to learn how to swim by urging him to confront this new experience. 3. What causes Collier to come up with his basic rule or himself: "Do what makes you anxious; don''t what makes you depressed" how does he develop the two corollaries to his basic rule?

How do the basic rule and the two corollaries prepare you for his thesis? Collier came with his first rule because he regrets when he turned down a trip to Argentina because he was scared of the being homesick or having troubles to communicate because of the language. The second and third rules give us a different Collier. Now applying his first rule in his life. When he started writing magazines articles and he had to interview famous people he ould always get the butterflies in his stomach and his hands will start to shake.

But by the time he had done it several times he felt more comfortable. He would still feel the anxiety but less than the first time. mfou''ll never eliminate anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it. " The third rule he develop was "you can''t learn if you don''t try'' he developed this rule when he was offered a Job that involved traveling 3 month through Europe a totally unknown environment for him. He accepted the Job and even though he had to go through bad moments at the end he was able to ccomplish the Job and he became and expert traveler.

These rules and the situations that he mentioned during the lecture shows us the difference when you decide to confront a situation that makes you anxious and when you decide now to do so. I think he wanted to show us is that we have nothing to lose by trying new challenges in our life. 4. What is collier''s purpose? Colliers purpose is to show us that by confronting new challenges in our life we can lose our fears and discover new things, learn new things that we didn''t know we like r we were not sure we can accomplish. 5.

What function do paragraphs 17-19 serve in Collier''s essay? The function of paragraph 17-19 is to explain Collier''s third corollary rule. Outline Every time you try something new or confront something that makes us anxious. This new experience becomes familiar and you lose the fear to do it. By this we can accomplish new challenges in our life and cope better to unfamiliar situations. Example Collier first example was when he turned down a trip to Argentina because he was cared of the being homesick or having troubles to communicate because of the language.

Example 2 He started writing magazines articles and he had to interview famous people he would always get the butterflies in his stomach and his hands will start to shake but the anxiety but less than the first time. Example 3 He was offered a Job that involved traveling 3 month through Europe a totally unknown environment for him. He accepted the Job and even though he had to go through bad moments at the end he was able to accomplish the Job and he became and expert traveler.

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