Thursday, September 7, 2017


Chapter 8 Reviewing the Basics 1. Hardware 2. BSOD - blue screen of death 3. Depends on the BIOS manufacturer 4. Power supply or failing hard drive 5. Windows Memory Diagnostic tool 6. To prevent the motherboard from touching the case, which could cause a short. 7. Go into BIOS setup and check the screen that reports the temperature 8. To keep them out of the way of moving parts, and it keeps the cables from moving, preventing short circuits if a cable is worn. 9.

Because the air vent on the bottom of the case an be blocked and static electricity is generated by the friction of anything rubbing on a carpet and can cause short. 10. Front to rear 1 1 . CMOS ram might be corrupt. Run bios setup and reset bios to default settings. If it occurs again try, flashing bios. 12. Disable the port and use an expansion card 13. Because if it was the video driver, you wouldn''t be able to see anything. 14. Go into BIOS and check the temp of the cpu, it can be caused by a failing processor, motherboard or ram, or a corrupted Windows install 15. 40 X 480 16. A plastic keyboard cover 17. Because cold items if heated rapidly tend to develop condensation on them. With this moisture buildup, if you unpacked it right away and plugged the device in, the condensate could cause a short in the electronics. 18. Some batteries can contain silver oxide, mercury, lithium, or cadmium and are considered hazardous waste. 19. An uninterruptible power supply - UPS 20. Return to the manufacturer or dealer to be recycled. Reviewing the Basics Ch. 9 I . 48 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 32, 128 Port number or port address Private Class B Class C

Public IP-addresses are used in the Internet (they are registered addresses). Private IP-addresses are used in local networks. They can''t. Private IP addresses are IP addresses used on private intranets that are isolated from the Internet. 8. It''s a private IP address 10. Usually the systems will be assigned an APIPA address or manually assign a static IP address 11. Link-local addresses allow machines to automatically have an IP address on a network if they haven''t been manually configured or automatically confgured by a special server on the network (DHCP) 12.

Interface ID 14. 15. 16. ISATAP, Teredo, 6 Unicast, link local 128, 16 bits per block Unique local unicast address also called unique local address (ULA) 17. Management & Allocation of IP Addresses to computers in a Network is done by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Servers. 18. TCP, IJDP 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 25 SSL, commonly recognized by using https instead of http DNS POP3 and IMAP4 NAT LDAP SSL Remote desktop and remote assistance 801. 11n WPA2 - using AES encryption. WPA standards are stronger Encryption Weak

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