Friday, September 22, 2017

Informative Speech On Donating Blood

INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Name: (enter) Topic: Donating Blood General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of how and why people donate blood Central Idea: Donating blood provides hospitals with the supplies to save lives and allows healthy individuals to give back to the community. Organizational Scheme: Topical Organization l. Introduction a. How many of you have seen the blood buses around campus? How many of you have actually donated? b. Name, Health Education and Behavior major, Donating Blood, To inform my audience of how and why people donate blood c.

Talk about HEB ajor, my experiences donating blood, blood donations on campus, relevance to audience, etc. d. Preview of main points d. i. Purpose of blood donations d. ii. Different types of blood and parts of blood/donations d. iii. Donation process II. Body a. Purpose of blood donations a. i. Emergencies a. ii. 70,000 people have sickle cell disease and require frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives- (American Red Cross, n. d. ) a. iii. 1. 6 million people were diagnosed with cancer last year; these patients need blood, sometimes daily, during chemo treatment- (American Red Cross, n. ) a. iv. More than 41 ,OOO donations are needed each day - (American Red Cross, n. d. ) a. v. Why is blood needed ahead of time and where are the donations kept? a. v. l . In case of accidents or emergencies a. v. 2. Blood banks, clinics, hospitals a. vi. Number of blood donations that are collected in the U. S. each year. a. vi. l. 15. 7 million donations collected - (American Red Cross, n. d. ) a. vi. 2. From 9. 2 million donors- (American Red Cross, n. d. ) a. vi. 3. Only 38% of population can donate but less than 10% actually do - (American Red Cross, n. d. ) b.

Different types of blood and its components b. i. Different types of blood b. i. l. O negative - universal type b. i. l . a. Only 7% of people are O neg. b. i. 2. Others-A,B, AB, and O (both positive and negative types) b. ii. Four types of transfusable products that be taken from a single donation and what they are used for b. ii. l . RBCs- move oxygen from lungs to tissue, get rid of C02 during expiration b. ii. 2. Platelets- clotting facts b. ii. 3. Plasma- another type of clotting factor but contains hormones and vitamins b. ii. 4. Cryo- more clotting factors! c.

Donation process i Donating is sate and sterile c. ii. Four steps to donate: c. ii. l. Register c. ii. 2. Mini-physical- temperature, pulse, hemoglobin levels, blood pressure, etc. c. ii. 3. Donation- clean area, use sterile needle, take 1 pint of blood, 8-10 minutes, bandage arm c. ii. 4. Refreshments- rest 10-15 minutes, eat and drink something, sometimes receive free things (t shirts, move tickets, etc. ) c. iii. Can donate every 84 days for whole blood donations - (Mayo Clinic, n. d. ) c. iv. What diseases is the blood tested for? c. iv. l. Examples: c. iv. l . a. Hepatitis A,B, C c. tv. . b. HIV/AIDS . iv. l . c. Syphilis c. iv. l . d. West Nile Virus c. iv. l . e. Chagas Disease (pronounced sha-gus) ; parasitic disease contracted in tropical areas c. v. Confidentiality? Ill. Conclusion a. Signal end b. Recap main points b. i. The purpose of blood donations b. ii. Different types of blood and parts of the blood b. iii. Donation process c. Close- I hope you are more aware of the purpose behind donating and the process of what actually donating is like and can now have a deeper appreciation for seeing all of the blood buses around campus! References List: American Red Cross. n. d. ). Blood Facts and Statistics Retrieved September 10, 2013, from http://www. redcrossblood. org/learn-about-blood/blood-facts-and- statistics#blood-supply American Red Cross. (n. d. ). Step by Step Donation Process for Automated Collections. Retrieved September 9, 2013, from http://www. redcrossblood. org/donating-blood/ donation-process/automated-collections Goette, L. , & Stutzer, A. (2008). Blood Donations and Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Discussion Paper Series, IZA DP No. 3580, 3-5. Retrieved September 9, 2013, from http://ftp. iza. org/dp3580. pdf Masser, B. M. White, K. M. , Hyde, M. K. , & Terry, D. J. (2008). The psychology Of Blood Donation: Current Research And Future Directions. Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 22(3), 215-233. Mayo Clinic. (n. d. ). Interesting Facts about Blood Donation. Retrieved September 9, 2013, trom nttp:/ . mayoclinic. org/donate-blood -rst/know. ntml Sott. net. (n. d. ) Why donating blood is good for your health Health & Wellness , Signs of the Times - Independent Unbiased Alternative News for Mon, 09 Sep 2013. Retrieved September 9, 2013, from http://www. sott. net/article/262305-Why-donating- blood-is-good-for-your-health

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