Monday, September 18, 2017

Language Development

Summarize and comment on what you have learned about the topic you selected. There are three theories of language development that try to explain how a child learns a language and how issues can appear, slowing or inhibiting that development. The first is the Behaviorist Perspective. This theory states that children develop their language skills through operant conditioning. As they attempt to speak and make sounds that resemble words, they are rewarded with praise. Some behaviourists believe that children imitate words and are rewarded for doing so, thus eading to their language development.

There is also the Nativist Perspective that states that children have a specific system imbedded in them that assists them in developing language skills. They consider this system a Language Acquisition Device (LAD) that helps them understand grammar and rules surrounding various languages. Noam Chomsky was a linguist supporting the nativist perspective and he believed that a child''s LAD allowed them to speak using the universal rules of language, and many do so within the same period of their early development.

Nativists also believe there is a period of development when a child is acquiring the majority of their language skills, although a specific time frame has not been pin pointed. While the Nativist theory is interesting and thought provoking, no one as of yet has been able to indentify the grammar system or the specific optimum language development time period. Finally, there is the Interactionalist Perspective which stresses that a child''s language development is directly influenced by their intellectual capacity and the nvironmental factors around them.

While one interactionalist theory focuses on the child''s ability to process information, the other focuses more on interaction with those in their social circle, or family. Regardless of the theory, a child will often develop at their own pace and being outside of the norm, is the norm. That being said, there are guidelines for when the typical child will reach certain milestones. By two months most babies will begin making vowel like noises. When a caregiver responds to a babies noises with anguage, the child will make an attempt to repeat it, and develop their language skills.

At one year, the typical child will say their first word. In their second year, their vocabulary will develop at a rate of one to three words per week and they will understand the meaning of the word. Toddlers will use telegraphic speech, or two word utterances. Cultural differences and a child''s individual capacity to comprehend language will greatly affect their development, as will gender. Girls tend to develop faster than oys, though their temperament and experiences are factors as well.

It is very important to keep the child engaged in language early on in ensure proper development and growth of vocabulary. their child Comment specifically on the importance of early intervention in regards to the topic you selected. Support your answer with reference to developmental theories studied in our course. Spotting a deficiency and intervening early on is important for a child''s language development. Because there are many factors that can affect a child''s development, it an often be difficult to diagnose a problem.

Language development is essential to a child''s ability to succeed. When a child enters school with underdeveloped language skills, it can cause that child to lack in other areas such a academia and social environments discuss this further. "Children who exhibit delays at the onset of schooling are at risk for early academic difficulties and are also more likely to experience grade retention, special education placement, and failure to complete high school. " Nancy J. Cohen stresses the impact on a child''s social development.

Children with language impairments had difficulty entering into peer group conversations and were then excluded, giving them less opportunity to learn and practice the social skills they needed for peer interaction. " Works Cited Catherine S. Tam''s-Lemonda, E. T. (2008). Parents'' Role in Fostering Young Children''s Learning and Language Development. New York University, USA. Cohen, N. J. (2005). The Impact of Language Development on the Psychosocial and Emotional Development of Young Children . Hincks-Dellcrest Centre, CANADA.

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