Sunday, September 17, 2017

Literary Analysis Of Robert Frosts "Out,Out---"

Literary Analysis of Robert Frosts "Out,Out—-" BY pat394 It Is Never The Boys Fault The poem "Out, Out---" by Robert Frost is a narrative poem describing when a boy was doing a man''s Job and sawing wood. When the boy was told it was time for dinner, he cut off part of his hand. This poem seems to be very shallow and to be only about this boy dying but its really more of that. This poem constantly takes the blame off of the boy for causing his death and puts it onto other people. The first time this takes place is when Frost blames the boys parents for making him do adults work even though he was a boy.

Frost says, "Call it a day, I wish they might have said" (Line 10). When he says this, he is saying he wished that the adults had let him quit. If the adults had let they boy quit then he would still be alive. This shifts the blame of the boy messing up to the adults for not letting him quit and this caused his death. Also he blames them for his death by making the boy do a mans work. Frost states, "Since he was old enough to know, big boy doing a man''s work, though a child at heart" (23-24).

The boy, whether he is doing a mans Job or not, is still a boy and Frost blames the parents for making him work and eventually killing im. Yet back in the time of this poem it was normal for boys to do this type of work to help their fathers. Since this was before the industrial revolution it was normal for boys to help their fathers on the farm because of how long it took to do the work (Current Events). Frost doesn''t think that this was okay so he states it in this poem. Frost also takes the blame off of the boy and gives it to the saw.

Frost says, "As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, leaped out at the boys hand" (15-16). This states that the saw Jumped out of the boys hand and took it. Frost is saying that it is he saws fault for Jumping out of the boys hand and cutting it off. He personifies the saw throughout the poem and uses this to blame the saw for the boys death. Another example of Frost personifying the saw is when he writes, "The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard" (1). Frost personifying the saw throughout the poem takes on the role of blaming the saw for his death.

Frost also blames the doctors and adults in the end for the boys death. Frost says, "They listened at his heart. Little- less- nothing! - and that ended it. "(31-32). Frost says this because all of the adults do nothing in the end to save the boy. The doctor ries in the end but all they do is fail. By the doctor failing and the other adults doing nothing, Frost takes the blame from the boy and puts upon these adults watching him die. Frost also says that they don''t care by saying, "And they, since they were not the one dead, turned to their affairs. (33-34). Here Frost says that the adults didn''t even care that the boy died. They Just let the boy die and moved on with their life. Frost shows that the boy is not at fault throughout the poem by making him seem to be a victim. Frost uses words to make the boy seem frail and weak even though he could have been large and strong. He gives us the feeling that the boy is small weak and not able to do work. He also uses words to describe that what happened to the boy was so terrible that he couldn''t do it to himself.

Frost says, "The boys first outcry was a rueful laugh, as he swung toward them holding the hand half in appeal, but nalt as it to keep the lite trom spilling'' 22) This is describing that ne was crying for help. The boy is crying as if he couldn''t have done this himself and that it was someone elses fault. The boy seems to be favored by Frost and that the boy was too young for what he was doing. Frost says, "That a boy counts on so much when saved rom work. " (11-12). Frost says this to describe that the boy shouldn''t and didn''t want to be working.

This is how Frost makes the boy a victim. Frost takes the blame off of the boy multiple times throughout the poem. Frost blames the boys parents for making him work a Job that he shouldn''t have been working. Frost blames saw by personifying the saw and making it seem to kill the boy. Frost also takes the blame and puts it on the doctor and adults in the end for not caring about the boy. Lastly Frost makes the boy seem very weak and as a victim to the whole ordeal. Works Cited current Events 12/1/2006, vol. 106 Issue 12, P2-2

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