Saturday, September 23, 2017

Math Myp Term Paper

YEAR 8 MATHEMATICS TRIMESTER 2 UNIT: VOLUME CRITERIA C & D WILL BE ASSESSED. SEE TASK SPECIFIC RUBRICS ATTACHED. use A4 paper for your answers. Your work should not exceed 4 pages. Make your explanations logical, concise and complete and comment on the accuracy of your answers. Afya Ltd is a company that manufactures medicinal drugs and food supplements in pill form. As part of its new strategy, the Chief Executive Officer has decided to redesign its packaging. The plan is to package as many pills as possible into a box which takes the shape shown below.

One day, the CEO asks to meet the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) - the person who came up with the new packaging. When asked to explain how he got the highest number of pills that could fit into the box, the CMO''s reply was, ".. to get the maximum number of the pills that could fit into the new box, I simply divided the volume of the box by the volume of one pill. " Before he could finish the sentence, the Chief Designer who was also present in the meeting raised his hand and yelled, "No! I disagree with that method. " At this point, the CEO decides to end the meeting.

He however calls you 20 minutes later to ask for your opinion as the Chief Scientist in the firm. In the telephone conversation he asks you to write a report that refutes or justifies the method suggested by the Chief Marketing Officer . "l would like you to include all your calculations in your report so I may understand how you arrived at your final conclusion", he adds. Your task: a) Write down the report showing how you arrive at the maximum number of pills that can fit into the packaging. b) Was the Chief Marketing Officer''s method correct? Why? In your work remember to show calculations that support your answer, and explain each step of your working. You may wish to display your data in tables and/or charts. Remember to Justify your answer and include neat diagrams. CRITERION C Achievement Level Descriptors Task Specific Rubrics The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. The work largely consists of calculations. 1-2 The student shows basic use of mathematical language and/or forms of mathematical representation. The lines of reasoning are difficult to follow. The tudent has used basic form of communication.

The explanations are clear although not logical or coherent enough. 3 - 4 The student shows sufficient use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation. The lines of reasoning are clear though not always logical or complete. The student moves between different forms of representation with some success. The student explains the process sufficiently and attempts to use various forms of communication to make it concise and logical. 5 - 6 The student shows good use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation. The lines of reasoning are concise, logical and complete.

The student moves effectively between different forms of representation. There is use of good, concise and logical explanation and description of the calculations. The student uses various forms of communication to clarify the lengths and costs of materials in the problem CRITERION D below. No attempt has been made to explain or describe methods used or degree of accuracy of results. 1 -2 The student attempts to explain whether his or her results make sense in the context of the problem. The student attempts to describe the importance of his or her indings in connection to real life.

There is an attempt to explain whether the results make sense and the student attempts to describe his/her findings. 3 - 4 The student correctly but briefly explains whether his or her results make sense in the context of the problem and describes the importance of his or her findings in connection to real life. The student attempts to Justify the degree of accuracy of his or her results where appropriate. The explanations are correct though brief. There is an attempt to Justify the degree of accuracy of the cost results and lengths of tubes. 6 The student critically explains whether his or her results make sense in the context of the problem and provides a detailed explanation ot the importance ot his or ner findings in connection to real life. The student Justifies the degree of accuracy of his or her results where appropriate. The student suggests improvements to the method when necessary. There is critical explanation on whether the results make sense in the context of the diagram. There is Justification for the accuracy of the answers and the student attempts to suggest improvements on the method(s) used.

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