Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Private School Vs Public School

Private School Vs Public School BY mane12704 Private School Vs Public School: Some differences to consider before making a decision Private School Vs Public School: Some Differences to Consider before Making a Decision Education is a vital issue today. Choosing where to send their children to school is one of the hardest decisions parents have to make. Should they enroll their children in an expensive school? Or should they enroll them in a public school, in order to save money? Will the child still get a quality education?

Will the child succeed in his/her studies? Will the child get the right values and grow up to be a roper citizen? These are Just a few of the questions that a parent should ask him or herself before enrolling his/her child in school. There are two types of schools from which parents have to choose to send their children for an education: private and public schools. These schools have similarities but are very different. In order to make a good decision, parents should know the differences between one and the other.

Those differences lie in admission, financing, and management process. According to a comparative study, Public schools admit more applicants (36 percent) han did private schools (23 percent) and were less likely than public schools to admit students on the basis of test performance (55 percent and 65 percent respectively). Private schools retain the right to select their students. They accept any student it wishes according to its academic and other standards. It is not required to give a reason why it has refused to admit anyone..

Admission age to Dominican children is in most private institutions starting from two years old. By contrast, public schools must accept all students within their Jurisdiction with few or any exceptions, and they tart from five years old with initial level. Private schools, also known as independent schools or nonstate schools, are not administered by local, state or national governments are funded in whole or in part by charging their students tuition, rather than relying on mandatory taxation through public (government) funding.

In private schools, charges are for every aspect of their programs and fees are determined by market forces. Private schools take no public funding. In contrast, Public schools are totally supported by the government or public funding and they are not allowed to charge any tuition fees. Private and public schools differ significantly in terms of their management organization. In most developing countries, public schools are financed and managed by the central government.

Teachers are hired and deployed by a central agency, the curriculum is set nationally and admission to secondary school is often controlled by national examinations with students placed in schools through central agency. As a result, neither the local community nor the school principal exercises much control over key decisions. Unlike centrally control public schools, private schools in both develop and developing countries exercise managerial control ver a wide range of decisions. For example, research has found that, in U.

S. private schools, principals, teachers and parents have significantly greater control over decisions about the curriculum, instructional methods, allocating funds, hiring public schools. Both, private and public schools, have the same goal, to teach and educate children in developing necessary skills for becoming a valuable and useful person in society. By making a comparison and looking at the mentioned differences, parents can make the right choice and of course the most convenient to them and their children.

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