Saturday, September 16, 2017

Sexual Harrasment

Effects and Solutions of Sexual Harassment in Schools Sexual harassment in schools is a common problem. It can lead to nightmares for the victim. Sexual harassment is any sexual activity that makes the victim feel uncomfortable. Although victims of sexual harassment could be both boys and girls, this essay is concerned with girls who face the harassment from boys in schools. There are many studies of students around the world reveal that girls can be a part of solutions that deal with sexual harassment in schools because many of them have uffered from this problem.

This essay discusses the psychological effects on victims and the solutions of this problem which would reduce sexual harassment in schools and which should be taken as serious solution for a serious issue. Sexual harassment in schools has many effects and the most dangerous one is the psychological effect. Girls who are harassed in schools suffer through a number of psychological effects. This could be anxiety, frustration, depression, sleeplessness, and nightmares. Moreover, this problem could guide the victim to a suicide.

There are along term studies refer to that four out often girls will make a complaint. Many of them feel that any complaint will not be taken seriously. They are also fearful that the sexual harasser revenges or denies. This kind of crime has its harmful psychological effect on girls, so there are many solutions should be taken by many people who live around the harassed or by the victims themselves. Fortunately, everyone can help to produce and prevent sexual harassment.

Girls can be a part of the solution by challenging sexual harassment and making sure their school is taking the issue seriously. Girls can protect themselves by many ways. For instance, they can create "Stop Sexual harassment" campaign by collecting girls'' stories about the harassment that happened to them and posting them on boards or blogs. They also can make survey for classmates to find out where sexual harassment occurs and what girls think could prevent it, then they take the findings to the rincipal.

There is an organization is called Girls for Gender Equity, this organization worked with students to make a sexual harassment survey with more than 1,100 students. GGE found that nearly one in four students faced sexual harassment everyday. Moreover, there is another idea to stop sexual harassment that girls should not respond on the harasser''s threats and should save the messages and emails of that person and show them to the principle as an evidence.

However, all these olution could work, the school staff should work on that too to make sure that the school environment is comfortable for all students. In conclusion, it is clear that sexual harassment in school is a serious issue which nas many impacts on girls especially the psychological one, and sometimes they lead the victim to a very dangerous situation. In the end, however, there are some solutions that the victims can make by themselves. Those solutions should be taken seriously by the school management to reduce sexual harassment in schools.

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