Friday, September 29, 2017

Speak For Those Who Can''T

Speak For Those Who Can''t BY arntna2313 Speak For Those Who Cant Do the companies L''Oreal, Lancome, Garnier, Maybelline, Sephora, and Neutrogena sound familiar? All of these companies take part in animal testing. Every year 19. 5 million animals die in testing every year, and these companies are involved. Products produced by these companies are some that one may use every day. Hopefully whoever uses their products feels guilty for putting those animals in all that pain and torture Just to look pretty. Certainly, this is not a liable excuse.

China equires animal testing, but why should the United States? Animal testing should not be carried out because the cruelty displayed is immoral, the public investment is extremely costly, and the use of other test methods could be implemented. In the United States, one animal dies in a lab every second, in Japan every two seconds, and in the United Kingdom every twelve seconds. Through this statement animal testing be labeled as inhumane. Many animals are tested on for medical research. However, this makes no sense considering an animal''s body is completely different from a human''s body.

The diseases do not affect their bodies the same way. For example, a cure for cancer in mice was found. Scientist thought it would work on humans, but it did not. The only product was the pain brought to animals. People even received harmful and ineffective medications for strokes that worked on animals. There are many disasters of animal testings that occurred in the past and more could evolve in the future. What is the point in putting animals in pain when it will not benefit humans? Another way animal testing is cruel is that some school students dissect live animals.

Millions of cats, dogs, monkeys, mice, bunnies, and others are taken from the wild or even pet stores Just to be tested on. Some animals are even lost pets that are found in the streets. There is no morality in taking one''s pet and turning into a lab rat. A brutal aspect to animal testing is cosmetic testing. There are several different tests performed on animals for the sake of makeup. Animals such as rabbits are trapped in a device to hold them in place while mascara is dropped into their eyes. This is called the Draize eye test.

The result of the test is swollen and red eyes here pain is inevitable even with pain medication. The whole time, the rabbits are conscious and may even die two to three weeks after the tests are done. The worst part about this is that it has been scientifically proven that a rabbit''s eye structure is not the same as ours. Rabbits produce less tears than a human. This allows chemicals planted in rabbit eyes to remain for a longer period of time and inflict more inflammation. This makes the test unreliable and causes unnecessary pain towards the rabbits.

The results produced by this test vary greatly, so it is not very elpful. Other types of inhumane tests done on animals are skin corrosivity and sensitization tests. Like in every procedure, the animals are immobilized. In this process, the animal is shaved, and covered with large doses of a certain products. Researchers observe and record any breakouts, skin irritations, illnesses or allergies caused by the product. The test is normally performed on rabbits, guinea pigs, and pain they go through is unnecessary and completely immoral. Animal testing is a bad idea due to the cost.

The public government pays over 136 billion dollars in nimal testing every year. First of all, the animals must be fed, housed, and cared for. This alone can cost over millions of dollars due to the amount of animals confined to a life of solitude. Animal testing facilities need to have certain requirements in order to run. The facility must provide proper cages, bedding, food, enrichment, security, and so much more. The price to actually conduct the experiment costs a lot too. There are so many animals and several test are done to them each month.

The amount of animals adds to the price since the test subjects are not free. Not only do research facilities spend so much money on animal testing, schools also spend thousands of dollars. Compared to other testing methods, animal testing is expensive. Alternatives such as in vitro tests can cost as much as twenty thousand dollars less than price of testing on an animal. The lab conducting the tests must be paid. This can initially cost between ten thousand to fifty thousand dollars. Even the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency must be paid for approval costs.

Instead of taxpayer money going into harming animals, itizens can donate to charities that are against animal testing. Animal testing is not necessary because there are so many alternatives. These methods are less expensive and are not as time consuming. Common alternatives are called in vitro, meaning test tube. These are usually human cell-based toxicity screenings used to test drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and other household products. There are three dimensional in vitro human "liver" that scientist can use to discover how chemicals are broken down by our bodies.

The new technology is very similar to the actual organ, so any osmetics and chemicals can be tested on it. Another in verto replacement is called the MIMIC system. With the help of this new technology, animals are not needed to test HIV/AIDS drugs. It uses human cells to create a real-life human immune system to test HIV and AIDS vaccines. This testing method is much faster than the ineffective animal version where monkeys are injected with diseases similar to HIV. The poor animal is forced to go through weight loss, organ failure, breathing problems, brain issues until they are put out of misery and killed.

There is a human skin tissue in itro substitute that works well when burn research, cosmetic testing, and research on radiation exposure and chemical weapon attacks. Other animal testing equivalents are advanced human-based brain imaging and recording techniques such as MRI, fMRI, EEG, PET, and CT. These techniques replace cutting into the brains of animals to study our brains. That does not even make sense considering our brains are really different. This modern equivalent to animal testing allows scientists to study our brain down to the level of a neuron.

This substitute allows for a more ogical and successful approach to brain research without harming innocent test subjects. In addition, antibodies can be created with DNA made in laboratories or it can be taken from human cells. Antibodies are used to research, diagnose, and fight diseases. Originally, they were made by injecting mice with cancer cells. Those are only medical alternatives. Instead of testing on the skin of innocent guinea pigs and rabbits, equivalents like EpiDermTM and EpiSkinTM can be implemented.

Both of these methods are based on human-derived skin cells, which are formed into a nd scientists can observe the reactions. With all of these alternatives available there is no reason to continue testing on animals. Animal testing is not the right choice because the ferocity exhibited is immoral, the public contribution is expensive, and the use of other test methods could be enforced. One of the most common arguments for animal testing is that it is necessary or else innocent humans would have to be tested on. If people were not so ignorant they would know this is not the case.

To inform people about the advances in science, there could be more projects tarted in support of stopping this animal cruelty. In fact, there are already some in affect such as the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). To help people can start buying products from companies that do not test on animals and more money could be raised for the groups already in action. Putting animals in pain and spending unnecessary money can be put to an end. If everyone does their best to help, the lives of innocent animals could be spared and if not from medical testing, then hopefully from cosmetic testing.

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