Sunday, September 24, 2017

Summary Of Wwi

The First World War spanned four years and involved many nation states. Like United States of America Entered the war on 6 April 1917, United Kingdom Entered the war on 4 August 1914, South Africa Entered the war on 4 August 1914, Serbia Entered the war on 28 July 1914, Russia Entered the war on 1 August 1914, Romania Entered the war on 27 August 1916, etc. Major General Nathanael Greene, Colonel Henry Knox, Brigadier General Hugh Mercer were Washington''s Lieutenants.

Battle of Trenton: Background "Having been defeated in the battles for New York City, General George Washington nd the remnants of the Continental Army retreated across New Jersey in the late fall of 1776. Vigorously pursued by the British forces under Major General Lord Charles Cornwallis, the American commander sought to gain the protection of the Delaware River. As they retreated, Washington faced a crisis as his battered army began to disintegrate through desertions and expiring enlistments. Crossing the Delaware River into Pennsylvania in early December, he made camp and attempted to reinvigorate his shrinking command.

Badly reduced, the Continental Army was poorly upplied and ill-equipped for winter with many of the men still in summer uniforms or lacking shoes. In a stroke of luck for Washington, General Sir William Howe, the overall British commander, ordered a halt to the pursuit on December 14 and directed his army to enter winter quarters. In doing so, they established a series of outposts across northern New Jersey. Consolidating his forces in Pennsylvania, Washington was reinforced by around 2,700 men on December 20 when two columns, led by Major Generals John Sullivan and Horatio Gates, arrived. Washington''s Plan: With the morale of the army and public ebbing, Washington believed that an audacious act was required to restore confidence and help boost enlistments. Meeting with his officers, he proposed a surprise attack on the Hessian garrison at Trenton for December 26. For the operation, he intended to cross the river with 2,400 men and March south against the town. This main body was to be supported by Brigadier General James Ewing and 700 Pennsylvania militia which were to cross at Trenton and seize the bridge over Assunpink Creek to prevent enemy troops from escaping.

In addition to the strikes against Trenton, Brigadier General John Cadwalader and 1,900 men were to make a diversionary attack on Bordentown, NJ. At Trenton, the Hessian garrison of 1,500 men was commanded by Colonel Johann Rall. Having arrived at the town on December 14, Rall had rejected his officers'' advice to build fortifications. Instead, he believed that his three regiments would be able to defeat any attack in open combat. Though he dismissed intelligence reports that the Americans were planning an attack, Rall did request reinforcements as colonial troops were raiding his supply lines. Summary of WWI By KeirraMc

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