Thursday, September 28, 2017

Technology In The Classroom

Technology in the classroom BY dance2013 Rossing, J. , Miller, W. , Cecil, A. , Stamper, S. (2012). ''Learning: The future of higher education? Student perceptions on learning with mobile tablets. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 12(2), 1-26. http://files. eric. ed. gov/fulltext/ EJ978904. pdf Wright, V. , & Wilson, D. (2012). Teachers'' Use of Technology: Lessons Learned from the Teacher Education Program to the Classroom. SRATE Journal. 20(2148-60. http:// files. eric. ed. gov/fulltext/EJ959529. pdf How does learning through technology affect a child''s learning outcome?

To try and nswer this question I searched multiple databases in order to find research. The databases I found the most research on were ERIC. I know this database is appropriate for the topic because they are websites that provide links to articles that have to do with Human Development and Family Science. ERIC allows you to narrow the results down to show only peer-reviewed articles and so I did that to make sure that they are reliable and appropriate sources. The first article was published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, which is a very reliable Journal. It has been around for many years and it is very consistent.

The second article is published in SRATE Journal, which I found to be of great quality. I know this because, like the first article, it has many sources and that shows that the research had been done in depth and found reliable information to be presented in the article. In the first article there are four authors, all affiliated to Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). The authors are: Jonathan P. Rossing, Willie M. Miller, Amanda K. Cecil, and Suzan E. Stamper. I think the authors are very credible because they have done their research and each of them either work at the

University or is a professor. The second article has two authors: Vivian H. Wright, Professor at University of Alabama and Elizabeth K. Wilson, also a Professor at University of Alabama. I think they are both very credible, same as with the first source, because they are reliable professors and have information from a lot of that are cited are mostly all Journals. Examples of resources they used that I may want to look at for my paper are, Wivian Wright, Elizabeth Wilson, 2011. "Technology integration is generally promoted as a method to enhance teaching and learning. And "Jonathan P. Rossing, William M. Miller, Amanda K. Cecil, Suzan E. Stamper. 2012. "The future of higher education? Student perceptions on learning with mobile tablets. " Some terminology that is used is mobile tablets, meaning iPads or computers over textbooks and technology integration, also meaning computers over textbooks. The topic I am going to be writing my paper on is technology and how it affects a child''s learning outcome. I have heard multiple opinions about how technology affects a child''s learning outcome, both positive and negative sides.

I am going to be doing research to see if technology truly is a positive or a negative contribution to a lassroom. My goal is to find out the affects of learning through technology is more beneficial than using textbooks or if technology is a negative contribution to children''s learning. The first article, "iLearning: The future of higher education? Student perceptions on learning with mobile tablets", is talking about the use of mobile technology on college campuses and how technology will be the future of the classroom, including learning activities, research, and even communication between the teachers and students.

However, is it a good thing or a bad thing? The authors discover that ntegrating technology into the classroom can contribute to useful academic outcomes, such as: digital video, podcasts, tablet computers. They also found that technology could support social construction of learning, assessment, motivation, and the students'' engagement in learning. On the other hand, they found a major problem with integrating technology into the classroom is income.

They also discovered that the digital technology assistance in solving in teaching or learning practices are not clearly defined, and does not give you the clear help and guidance a teacher offers. This article provides both viewpoints of why technology can be a ositive attribute or a negative one. They first showed the positive contribution technology brings to a classroom and stated those contributions. They found that learning through technology allows students to expand discussion and investigation beyond the classroom. It enables them to collaborate and create knowledge and to interact with a larger range of content. The study consisted, in total, 209 II-JPLJI students participated in the study; students'' participation had no bearing on their status in the course and did not affect their grade in any way. For the negative aspect of technology in a classroom, income omes to mind (Cecil 2012). " The relate is a survey that is meant to collect data in four open-ended questions consisting of: how the iPads helped or limited learning, two things you liked about using it, two things you disliked about using it, and any suggestions for other ways to use the iPads.

The results of this study led to finding both negative and positive aspects that technology brings to the classroom. They found educators using iPads or other mobile technology in the classroom must be committed to learning how to use devices effectively in classroom instruction and to working through the learning curve akes time to get use to and can be beneficial for students and teachers; for example, it can cause a bigger scale of communication for the entire class. However, the authors do mention a few limitations to this study.

Those limitations are: only researching the outcomes of using an iPad, iPads have only been in the market for a few years, and the study is limited to student perceptions of learning and engagement. "The interdisciplinary nature of this study made assessing student learning outcomes difficult due to the varied expectations and learning outcome easures from the arts and humanities to the hard sciences. Therefore, future research should include discipline specific studies that measure how mobile technology affects specific learning outcomes (Rossing 2012). With that being said, this study was limited to a specific population of people and when it is conducted next time it should use random sampling method. If the study were to use people who''s first language is English, it may have ended with different results. Therefore, the researchers should have tested a variety of technologies, not Just ''Pads, and a larger scale of people. The second article, "Teachers'' Use of Technology: Lessons Learned from the Teacher Education Program to the Classroom," is talking about how technology affects a teachers'' role in the classroom.

They based their research on "ten teachers'' perceptions of technology integration and technology use in their classrooms, five years after their graduation from a teacher education program which encouraged technology use in teaching and learning (Wright 2011). " For this research, the authors interviewed and observed eight male and two female teachers who were currently teaching five years in a middle or high school classroom. The environment these teachers had to create were purely based on learning from technology.

These teachers were exposed to multiple technologies such as: online discussions, interactive whiteboards, and online portfolios. These teachers received additional training in emerging technologies. The technology faculty member was also active in helping to develop the state''s technology standards and had initiated a Master Technology Teacher partnership with local middle and high school teachers. "Qualitative data sources consisted of surveys and reflections, completed by the articipants during their teaching methods class and their internship.

The interviews occurred during each teacher''s class preparation time or before/after school hours (Wright & Wilson 2012). " Moreover, the researchers spent countless hours interviewing and examining surveys to find out how much of an impact technology has on a teacher and learning. The results of this study gained positive feedback on the impact technology has on the teachers and learning outcome. They researchers found that the participants were given multiple technology applications and skills in developing their electronic ortfolio.

The teachers continued to become familiar with ways to utilize basic technology skills and how to incorporate it into their teacher education program. Surprisingly, the authors did not have limitations during their study. This study was a true to form experiment. It allowed a good set of participants that were not too broad or too narrow. Given the fact that they received additional help could have altered the result, imagine if those teachers were not given extra help on improving their results. In conclusion, I found both these articles to be helpful in finding out how echnology can affect a teacher and a students learning outcome.

They give clear evidence to support their arguments and to me it was not surprising to read the end results. I would have assumed there were positive and negative attributes in bringing technology into a classroom. However, I know this topic can last for an eternity because technology is always changing and progressing so we may never truly know how it can impact a teacher or a students learning outcome, we simply continue to do research for the present time and only hope to improve what needs the improvement.

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