Tuesday, October 17, 2017

English Language And Hello

Consider using a non-verbal greeting. The most universal, non-verbal way to greet others is a simple handshake or wave, particularly in the English speaking world. However, other gestures such as various forms of bowing, embraces, or even applause are used as non-verbal greetings in other parts of the world. Always make sure you are not insulting anyone with uncommon gestures in that particular countrySay hello in Albanian: Hello in Albaian is TungJatJeta, pronounced "toon-Jah- TYEH-tah," which literally means "have a long life. A shorter, more informal way to say hello is Tung, pronounced "toong". Albanian is spoken mainly in Albania and Kosovo, though it is also spoken in other ay hello in Bosnian: Hello in Bosnian is dobar dan, pronounced "DOH-bahr dahn". More informal ways to say hello are zdravo, pronounced "ZDRAH-voh" or merhaba, pronounced "MEHR-hah bah". Bosnian is the official language of Bosnia and is essentially the same language as Croatian and Serbian. All three languages used to be known as Serbo-Croatian before the break-up of YugoslaviaSay hello in Catalan: Hello in Catalan is hola, pronounced "o- la".

Bon dia, pronounced "bon dee-ah" means "good morning", bona tarda, pronounced "bona tahr-dah" means "good afternoon" and bona nit, pronounced bona neet" means "good night". You can also say Just bones, pronounced "bo-nahs" to say an informal 9Say hello in Croatian: Hello in Croatian is bok. Dobro Jutro means good morning, dobar dan means good day, dobra veter means good evening and laku not means good night. 10Say hello in Czech: Hello in Czech is dobry den, pronounced "DOH-bree dehn". A more informal way to say hello is ahoJ, pronounced "ahoy".

Czech is a Slavic language which is mutually intelligible with Slovak. 11Say hello in Danish: Hello in Danish is hallo, or informally he], pronounced "hi". Danish is a Scandinavian language spoken in Denmark and in some parts of Greenland. 3Say hello in American English: Informal ways to say hello in American English are h'', hey and yo. 14Say hello in British English: British English greetings used in place of hello include How do you do? , Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, More informal greetings include watchya, alright, hi and hiya. 5Say hello in Estonian: Hello in Estonian is tere, pronounced "TEHR-reh". Estonian is a Finno-Ugric language spoken in Estonia. It is closely related to Finnish. 16Say hello in Finnish: Hello in Finnish is hyvää päivää, pronounced "HI-JU-vaa PIGH-vaa". More informal ways to say hello are moi, terve and he''. Finnish is a Finno-Ugric language spoken only in Finland and by Finns elsewhere in Scandinavia. 17Say hello in French: Hello in French is bonjour, pronounced "bohn-ZHOOR". A more informal way to say hello is salut, pronounced "sah-LUU". 8Say hello in Frisian: Hello in Frisian is goeie dei, or simply goeie. Frisian is a language spoken in the north of the Netherlands. 19Say hello in Irish Gaelic: Dia duit pronounced "dee-ah gwitch", which literally means "God be with you". 20Say hello in Georgian: Hello in Georgian is aoöö6smöö, pronounced "gah-mahr-Joh-bah". Georgian is the official language of Georgia. More informal ways to say hello are hallo and tag, pronounced "tahg". 22Say hello in Austrian and Bavarian German: Hello is grüß Gott, pronounced "gruess got".

More informally, you can say servus, pronounced "zair-voos", which can also mean goodbye. 23Say hello in Northern German: moin or moin moin (pronounced moyn), also moinsen 24Say hello in Swiss German:hallo (informal), grüezi (formal, pronounced kind of like grew-tsi), grüessech (formal, used in the Canton of Berne, pronounced grewe-thech) 25Say hello in Greek: Hello in Greek is rELa oaq, pronounced "YAH sahss" and literally means "health to you". A more informal way to say hello is rELa oou, pronounced "YAH soo". 26Say hello in Hungarian: Hello in Hungarian is Jö napot, pronounced "yoe naupote".

More informal ways to say hello are szervusz, pronounced "sairvoose" and szia, pronounced "seeya". The Hungarian language is also referred to as "Magyar". 27Say hello in Icelandic: Hello in Icelandic is gööan dag, pronounced "gothan dahg". You can also say hæ, pronounced "hat". 28Say hello in Italian: Hello in Italian is buon giorno, pronounced "bwohn geeornoh". A more informal way to say hello is ciäo, pronounced chow. 29Say hello in Latin: Hello n Latin is salve, pronounced "sal-way", when talking to one person. Salvete, pronounced "sal-way-tay" is used when talking to more than one person. 0Say hello in Latvian: Hello in Latvian is Sveika, pronounced "SWEH-kah", when speaking to a woman. Sveiks, pronounced "SVEH-eeks" is used when speaking to a man. 31 Say hello in Lithuanian: Hello in Lithuanian is laba diena. Sveikas, pronounced "SVAY-kahs" is used informally when speaking to a man, while sveika, pronounced "say-kAH" is used informally when speaking to a woman. Labas, pronouned "LAH-bahs" means 32Say hello in Luxembourgish: Hello in Luxembourgish is moien, pronounced "MOY- n". 33Say hello in Slavomacedonian: Hello in Slavomacedonian is 3Apaao, pronounced "zdravo". 4Say hello in Maltese: Hello is Maltese is Just hello. A more formal word is aw, pronounced "AA-w", and good morning is bongu, pronounced "BON-Ju". 35Say hello in Neapolitan: Hello in Neapolitan is cia or Cha. 36Say hello in Northern Sami: Hello in Northern Sami is Bures, more informally it''s bures bures. 37Say hello in Norwegian: Hello in Norwegian is god dag, literally meaning "good day". A more informal way to say hello is hei, pronounced "hay", meaning "hi". 38Say hello in Polish: Hello in Polish is dzieh dobry, pronounced "Jeyn dob-ry".

A more informal way to say hello is czegt, pronounced "cheshch". 39Say hello in Portuguese: Hello in Portuguese is olé, pronounced "Oh-LAH". Other informal ways to say hello are 01, boas and alö. 40Say hello in Russian: Hello in Russian iszdravstvuyte, pronounced "ZDRA-stvooy- tyeh". A more informal way to say hello is privet! , pronounced "pree-wet". 41 Say hello in Scanian: Hello in Scanian is haJa. Hallå is a more informal way to say hello, while go''da is more formal. 42Say hello in Serbian: Hello is Serbian is zdravo, pronounced "ZDRAH-voh".

A more informal way to say hello is tao, pronounced "chow". 3Say hello in Slovak: Hello in Slovak is dobry den, pronounced "dOH-bree den". More informal ways to say hello are ahoJ, pronounced "ahoy", tau, pronounced "chow" and pronounced "ZHEE-vyoh" or zdravo, pronounced "ZDRAH-voh". 45Say hello in Spanish: Hello in Spanish is hola, pronounced with a silent ''h'' as "o-la". You can also use the informal alo. Qué onda, pronounced "keh ondah", is a phrase used in South America meaning "what''s up". Qué pasa is a phrase used in Spain meaing "what''s up".

Buenos dias means "good morning", buenas tardes means good afternoon and buenas noches meand good evening/goodnight. 6Say hello in Swedish: Hello in Swedish is god dag. You can also use the inform tJa, pronounced "sha" or he], pronounced "hey". 47Say hello in Turkish: Hello in Turkish is merhaba, pronounced "mehr hah bah". A more informal way to say hello is selam, pronounced "sell um". 48Say hello in Ukrainian: Hello in Ukrainian is dobriy den, pronounced "DOH-brihy dehn". A more informal way to say hello is pryv''it, pronounced "prih-VEET". 49Say hello in Welsh: Hello in Welsh is helo.

More informal ways to say hello are shwmae, pronounced "shoe-my" (used in South Wales) and sut mae, pronounced "sit my" (used in North Wales). 0Say hello in Yiddish: Hello in Yiddish is sholem aleikhem, which literally means "may peace be unto you". You can also say borokhim aboyem or gut morgn, which mean "good morning", gutn ovnt, which means "good evening", gutn tog which means "good day" and gut shabbos which is only used on the Sabbath. EditMethod 3 of 8: Saying Hello in Asian Languages 1 Say hello in Bengali: Hello in Bengali is namaskaar. 2Say hello in Bodo: Hello in Bodo is wai or oi or oye. Say hello in Burmese: Hello in Burmese is mingalarba. 4Say hello in Cambodian: Hello in Cambodian is chum reap suor, pronounced "Jum reap sour". A more informal way to say hello is sous-dey. 5Say hello in Chinese: In both Cantonese and Mandarin, hello is written as In Cantonese this is pronounced as ne ho or lay ho. In Mandarin is is pronounced as "nee how". In Mandarin you can also say * _EF or zäo shäng häo to mean "good morning", pronounced "dsao shung haw". In Taiwan, this is not common and people informally use the shorter zäo, pronounced "dsao". Say hello in Gujarati: Hello in Gujarati is Namaste,Namaskaar or Kemcho. 7Say hello in Hindi: Hello in Hindi is namaste, pronounced "nuh-muh-STAY". 8Say hello in Indonesian: Hello in Indonesian s simply halo or, more informally, he, pronounced "hey". 9Say hello in Japanese: Hello in Japanese is konnichi ha, pronounced "kon- neen-chee-wah". You can also use doumo, pronounced "doh-moh" which is an informal way of thanking/greeting. 10Say hello in Kannada: Hello in Kannada is namaskara. 1 1 Say hello in Kazakh: Hello in Kazakh is Salem. Kalay zhagday (How are you? 12Say hello in Konkani: Hello in Konkani is Namaskar or Namaskaru (l bow to thee, formal)'', Dev baro dis div (may God bless you with a good day, informal) You can also use pronounced ahn nyeong which is more informal and can also e used to say goodbye. 14Say hello in Lao: Hello in Lao is sabaidee, pronounced "sa- bai-dee". 15Say hello in Malayalam: Hello in Malayalam is namaskkaram. 16Say hello in Malaysian: Hello in Malaysian is selamat datang, pronounced "seh-la-mat dah- tang", which can also mean "welcome". You can also say apa khabar, pronounced "a- pa ka-bar", which can also mean "how are you".

Hai, pronounced is the informal way to say hello. 17Say hello in Marathi: Hello in Marathi is namaskar. 18Say hello in Mongolian: Hello in Mongolian is sain baina uu? , pronounced "saa-yen baya-nu". A more informal way to say hello is sain uu? pronounced "say-noo". 19Say hello in Nepal Bhasha: Hello in Nepal Bhasha is pronounced "Jwa-Jalapa". 20Say hello in Nepali: Hello in Nepali is namaskar or namaste. A more informal way to say hello is k cha or kasto Cha. 21 Say hello in Punjabi: Hello in Punjabi is sat sri akaal J'', or more informally sat sri akal. 2Say hello in Rajasthan'' (Marwari): Hello in Rajasthan'' is khamma ghani sa or ram ram sa. 23Say hello in Romanian: Hello in Romanian is salut, pronounced "sah-LOOT". You may also use buna dimineata (formal; morning), buna ziua (formal; daytime), buna seara (formal; evening) or Just una (usually when speaking to a female pronounced boo-nah or bu-nah) 24Say hello in Sinhala: Hello in Sinhala is a ''yubowan, pronounced "au-bo-wan" which means "long live". You can also say kohomada? , pronounced "ko-ho-ma-da", meaning "how are you? " 25Say hello in Taiwanese (Hokkien): Hello in Taiwanese is Li-ho. 6Say hello in Tamil: Hello in Tamil is vanakkam. 27Say hello in Telugu: Hello in Telugu is namaskaram or baagunnara, which means "how are you? " 28Say hello in Thai: Hello in Thai issawa dee-ka, when said by a female, or sawa dee-krap when said by a male. 29Say hello in the Lhasa dialect of Tibetan: Hello in Tibetan is tashi delek. 30Say hello in the Amdo dialect of Tibetan: Hello is cho demo. 31 Say hello in Uzbek: Hello in Uzbek is Assalomu Alaykum. A more informal way to say hello is salom. 32Say hello in Urdu: Hello in Urdu is adaab or salam or as salam alei kum. 3Say hello in Vietnamese: Hello in Vietnamese is Xin chäo, pronounced "sin CHOW". EditMethod 4 of 8: Saying Hello in African Languages 1 Say hello in Afrikaans: Hello in Afrikaans is Just hallo pronounced "hu-llo". Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa and Namibia, along with parts of Botswana and Zimbabwe. Say hello in Amharic: Hello in Amharic is tena yistelegn, pronounced "teen-as-tell- an", which is very formal. You can also use the informal selam, pronounced "sall- aam". Amharic is a Semitic language and is the official working language of Ethiopia. Say hello in Chichewa: Hello in Chichewa is moni bambo! to a male and moni may''! to a female. MuribwanJi, pronounced "moori-bwanJi" is used often as a generalized greeting to everyone. Chichewa is also known as Nyanja and is the national language of Malawi. It is also spoken in Zambia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 4Say hello in Chubby: Hello in Chubby is shabe yabebabe yeshe. Chubby is a Somalian language. 5Say hello in Dioula: Hello in Dioula is in-i-che. This language is spoken in the Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. 6Say hello in Dzongkha: Hello in Dzongkha is kuzu-zangpo.

This language is spoken in Bhutan. 7Say hello in Edo: Hello in Edo is köyo. This the Muslim salama alaikum. A more informal greeting is sannu. Hausa is one of the most widely spoken African languages, it is spoken by approximately 34 million speakers. It''s spoken natively in Nigeria and Niger, but is used as a lingua franca in many other African countries. 9Say hello in Igbo: Hello in Igbo is ndéwö, pronounced in-DEEH-WO". Igbo is spoken by the Igbo people in southeastern Nigeria. 10Say hello in Lingala: Hello in Lingala is mbote. Lingala is a Bantu language spoken in the Congo. 1 Say hello in Northern Sotho: Hello in Northern Sotho is dumelang when speaking to more than one person and dumela when addressing a single person. Northern Sotho is a Bantu language spoken in South Africa. 12Say hello in Oshikwanyama: Say hello in Oshikwanyama differs depending on whether you are saying hello to a male or female. To a female you would say wa uhala po, meme?. To a male you would say wa uhala po, tate?. A more informal way to say hello is ongaipi? , which translates as "how is it? ". Oshikwanyama is also known as Just Kwanyama and is a national language of Namibia and Angola. 3Say hello in Oromo: Hello in Oromo is asham. You can also say akkam? , which means "how are you? " and nagaa, which means "peace by with you. " Oromo is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Oromo people in Ethiopia and northern Kenya. 14Say hello in Swahili: Hello in Swahili is Jambo or huJambo, which loosely translates as "how are you? ". You may also say habari gani, which means "what is the news? ". Swahili is a Bantu languages spoken by the Swahili communities in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 5Say hello in Tariflt : Hello in Tariflt is Azul"" , which literally means "peace". You can also say "ola" which is a modern form of the Spanish "Hola", Tariflt is spoken by 8 million speakers in Arrif (Northern Africa) and Europe. 16Say hello in Tigrinya: Hello in Tigrinya is selam, which literally means "peace be with you". You can also say haderkum which means "good morning" and t''ena yehabeley which means "may good health be upon you". This language is spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea. 17Say hello in Tshiluba: Hello in Tshiluba is moyo.

Tshiluba, also known as Luba-Kasai, is a Bantu language and one of the national languages of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 18Say hello in Tsonga: In Tsonga, you say minJhani when saying hello to adults, but you say kunJhani when greeting your peer group or your Juniors. This language is spoken in South Africa. 19Say hello in Yoruba: Hello in Yoruba differs according to the time of day. E kaaro means "good morning", E kaasan means "good afternoon", E kaaale means "good evening and O da aaro means "good ight". Yoruba is a Niger-Congo language spoken by the Yoruba people in West Africa. 0Say hello in Zulu: Hello in Zulu is sawubona for one person or sanibonani for multiple people. Sawubona translates to mean "we see you" and you should respond by saying yebo, meaning "yes". Zulu is a Bantu language spoken in South Africa. EditMethod 5 of 8: Saying Hello in Middle-Eastern Languages 1 Say hello in Arabic: Hello in Arabic is As-saläm ''alaykum. This is a formal greeting which is literally translated as "peace upon you". Other common, though more informal, ways to say hello are mar-ha-ban" and ahlan. Arabic is widely spoken across the Middle East and North Africa. Say hello in Armenian:Barev dzez is the formal way to say hello in Armenian, while Barev on it''s own is the informal way. Armenian is spoken in the Republic of Armenia, as well as in large communities of pronounced "sa-lam". 4Say hello in Egyptian Arabic: The formal way to say hello in Egyptian Arabic is is saläm ''alaykum". The informal way is "ahlan". 5Say hello in Hebrew: Hello in Hebrew is shalom. It also means "goodbye" and "peace". More informal greetings include hi and ma korae? , which literally means "whats happening" or "whats up. Say hello in Kurdish: Hello in Kurdish is silaw, pronounced "slaw".

Kurdish is spoken by about 30 million Kurds in western Asia. 7Say hello in Persian: Hello in is salaam or do-rood. The word salaam is an abbreviation, the full version being as-salaam-o-aleykum, as in all Islamic societies. EditMethod 6 of 8: Saying Hello in Native American Languages 1 Say hello in Alibamu: Hello in Alibamu is chikmäa. This is a southeastern Native American language. 2Say hello in Cayuga: Hello in Cayuga is scan noh. This is a Northern Iroquois language. 3Say hello in Cree: Hello in Cree is tansi, pronounced "tawnsay". Cree is an Algonquian language spoken by Native Americans across Canada. Say hello in Haida: Hello is kii-te-daas a. This language is spoken on Queen Elizabeth Island, Canada. 5Say hello in Hopi: Hello in Hopi is ha''u, pronounced "hah-uh". However this word is not used as often as it is in English. It''s more traditional to greet someone by saying um waynuma? , which literally translates as "you''re around? ". Hopi is a Uto- Aztecan language spoken by the Hopi people in northeastern Arizona, USA. 6Say hello in Kanien''kéha: Hello in Kanien''kéha is Kwe kwe, pronounced "gway gway". Kanien''kéha is an Iroquoian language spoken by the Mohawk people of North America. Say hello in Nahuatl: Hello in Nahuatl is nano toka, pronounced "NA-no TO-kah". Nahuatl is an Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Nahua people in Central Mexico. 8Say hello in Navajo: Hello in Navajo is yä''ät''ééh, pronounced "yah-at-eh". This word also means "good". Navajo is an Athabaskan language spoken by the Navajo people, who are based mainly in the southwestern United States. Navajo is the most widely spoken Native American language north of the US-Mexican border. EditMethod 7 of 8: Saying Hello in Other Languages Say hello in A''Leamona: Hello in A''Leamona is tel nido, pronounced "tehl-neye-doe".

It literally means "good day". 2Say hello in American Sign Language (ASL): To say "hello," squeeze the fingers in your right hand together, touch the tips of your fingers to your forehead, palm facing outward, and move your hand away from your forehead in a sort of saluting motion. 3Say hello in Bremnian: Hello in Bremnian iskoali, pronounced "kowalee". 4Say hello in British Sign Language (BSL): Dominant hand wave, from core to outside with the palm facing towards recipient as the hand oves bring it into a thumbs up gesture (Formal ''Hello''), Give two thumbs up (Informal Literal Translation ''well? ) 5Say hello in Cape Verdean Creole: Hello is oi, olé, entao or bon dia. Cape Verdean Creole is a Portuguese-based creole spoken on the islands of Cape Verde. 6Say hello in Chamorro: Hello in Chamorro is hafa adai. Other more informal greetings include hafa? , howzzit bro/bran/prim/che''lu? and sup. Chamorro is a Spanish-influences Austronesian language. It is spoken on Guam and on the Northern Mariana Islands. 7Say hello in Cook Islands Maori: Hello is kia orana. Cook Islands Maori is the official language of the Cook Islands. 8Say hello in Fijian: The formal way to say hello in Fijian is bula Vinaka, pronounced ''buh-la vina-kah''.

A in Fiji. 9Say hello in Hawaiian: Hello in Hawaiian is aloha, pronounced ah-low-ha. Hawaiian is a Polynesian language spoken in Hawaii. 10Say hello in Jamaican Patois: Hello in Jamaican Patois is whaa gwaan", literally "what''s going on? ". Yes sah! " is another term used to greet people. Jamaican Patois is an English based creole language with West African influences. It is spoken on the island of Jamaica and by the Jamaican diaspora. 1 Say hello in Maldivian: The formal way to say hello in Maldivian is Assalaamu Alaikum. The informal way is Kihineh? , which literally means "how? . Maldivian is the national language of the Maldives. 12Say hello in Maori: Hello in Maori is kia ora, pronounced "kia o ra". It literally means "be well/healthy" and has also been adopted by English speakers in New Zealand. 13Say hello in Marshallese: Hello in Marshallese is lakwe, pronounced "YAH kway". Marshallese is also known as Ebon, and is spoken on the Marshall Islands. 14Say hello in Naokien: The formal way to say hello is atetgrealot, the informal way is atetel. 5Say hello in Niuean: The formal way to say hello in Niuean is faka lofa lahi atu.

The infrmal way is fakalofa. Niuean is a Polynesian language closely related to Tongan. It is spoken on the island of Niue, as well as the Cook Islands, New Zealand and Tonga. 16Say hello in Palauan: Hello in Palauan is alit, pronounced "ah-lee". Palauan is one of the official languages of the Republic of Palau in Micronesia. 17Say hello in Samoan: The formal way t say hello in Samoan is talofa, the informal way is malo. Samoan is a Polynesian language spoken on the Samoan Islands. 18Say hello in Sulka: Saying hello in Sulka epends on the time of day.

In the morning you would say marot, pronounced "mah- rote" (rolled r and lengthened o). In the afternoon you would say mavlemas (v is pronounced as a fricative b), and in the evening you would say masegin (g is pronounced as a fricative). Sulka is a language spoken in Papua New Guinea. It has about 3000 speakers. 19Say hello in Tagalog: The closest equivalent to the word hello in Tagalog is kumusta? which literally translates as "how are you? ". However, Filipinos commonly greet each other in English, Just using the word "hello". Tagalog is spoken in the Philippines. Say hello in Tahitian: Hello in Tahitian is la orana, pronounced "yo-ra-nah". The Tahitian language is spoken on the islands of Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora and only contains about 1000 words. 21 Say hello in Tetum: There are several ways to say hello in Tetum, depending on the time of day. Bondia is used in the morning, botarde is used in the afternoon and bonite is used in the evening. Tetum is the national language of East Timor. 22Say hello in Tongan: Hello in Tongan is Malo e lelei. Tongan is spoken in Tonga, which is a country made up of about 170 islands in Western Polynesia.

EditMethod 8 of 8: Saying Hello in Fictional Languages 1 Say hello in D''ni: Hello in D''ni is shorah, which also means goodbye or peace. Dni is a language created for the computer games Myst and Riven. 2Say hello in Double Dutch: Hello in Double Dutch is Hutch-e-lul-lul-o. Other greetings include gug-o-o- dud mum-o-rug-nun-i-nun-gug which means good morning, gug-o-o-dud a-fuf-tut-e- rug-nun-o-o-nun which means good afternoon and gug-o-o-dud e-vuv-e-nun-i-nun- gug which means good evening. Double Dutch is a nonsense language used mainly by English speakers. 3Say hello in Esperanto: The formal way to say hello in

Esperanto is saluton, the informal way is Sal. Esperanto is a constructed auxiliary language that was invented in the late 19th century as a means for speakers of Gibberish: Hello in Gibberish is h-idiguh-el I-idiguh-o, while hi is h-diguh-i. Gibberish is a secret language made up of nonsense sounding words that is spoken in several English speaking countries. A number of Gibberish dialects exist. 5Say hello in Klingon: NuqneH? , pronounced "nook-neck", which literally means "what do you want? " 6Say hello in Na''vi: The informal way to say hello is Kaltxi, pronounced "kal-T- i" with an emphasis on the "T".

The formal way to say hello is Oel ngati kameie, pronounced "o-el nga-ti kamei-e". The Na''vi language was constructed for the film Avatar. 7Say hello in Pirate: Rather than a traditional hello, pirates usually greet each other by saying Arrrguh, pronounced "are-g-uh", with emphasis on the "are", usually with rolled r. Ahoy Matey, pronounced "ah-hoi mate-ey" is usually used when speaking to another crew member. 8Say hello in Pig Latin: Hello in Pig Latin is ellohay. You can also say Eyhay which means "hey", and atswhay upay? which means "what''s up? ". Pig Latin is a language game used primarily by English speakers. 9Say hello in

Ung Tongue: Hello in Ung Tongue is pronounced "Hung-ee-lung-lung-oh". This is a made-up language, like Pig latin. EditVldeo EditTtps A simple "hello", wave, handshake, or kiss can be understood by most people, although this may be offensive, depending what culture the person you are greeting is from. Make sure you use the appropriate greeting for the situation. For example, in English, we use the more formal "good morning", "good afternoon" or "good evening" to greet clients in the workplace, but the informal "hello" to greet colleagues, friends, and family. Each culture and language has a different form of body language.

Hand- shaking is common courtesy in Western countries such as Australia, England and America, while Korean and Japanese people keep a distance and bow, and Ukrainians are affectionate and hug or kiss. Maltese people like to kiss each other on both cheeks when you know the person well, and shake hands if it is not very informal. In India, a Namaste is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of their chest. Shaking hands is more common among men especially in cities, but a man should not shake hands with a woman unless she offers her hand first.

Also, in India, if you are greeting a person of great respect, you should bend down and touch the person''s feet, and then your chest. When Navajos shake hands, they don''t grab each other''s hands in a tight handshake. They simply do a ''limp handshake,'' and what counts is simply a light squeeze. In Arabic it will be "assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah". In Urdu it will be "adaab or tasleem". Do not look Navajo in the eye. It is rude in their culture, and you may receive rudeness in return. Take the time to learn the correct pronunciation. This not only helps to avoid confusion; it is also common courtesy.

For example, many languages have rolled r''s. If you pronounce these words wrong, and someone points it out to you, it could be embarrassing, so try to learn the correct pronunciation! It doesnt matter too much if you do make a mistake, and most people will be sympathetic about it, but it is common courtesy to try. If you visit another English-speaking country, do not imitate their accents or use their slang, as this could lead you to appear rude or presumptuous. Misusing and/or mispronouncing can make you appear inept. The cultures of various places are obviously different, and the languages of those places ikewise reflect this.

In Europe, waving the hand back and forth can mean "No. " To wave "good-bye," raise the palm outward and wag the fingers in unison, This is also a serious insult in Nigeria if the hand is too close to another person''s face. EditRelated wikiHows How to Say Queen in Spanish Greet a Man Say Baby in German Use Wikihow in Other Languages Speak in a Different Language Say No in Various Languages Say Hello in Armenian Say "Where Is the Bathroom" in Several Different Languages Say "I Don''t Speak This Language" Ask "Do You Speak English" in a Different Language Speak Gibberish Speak Pig Latin

Communicate with a Non Native English Speaker Say Hello in German Accrue Vacation Time EditSources and Citations http://wikitravel. org/en/Main_Page Article Info Categories: Multiple Language Guides Recent edits by: Andrew1990, Rock20000, Caoimhekenny In other languages: Deutsch: Wie man in verschiedenen Sprachen Hallo sagt, Franpis: Comment dire bonjour dans plusieurs langues, Italiano: Come Salutare in Molte Lingue Diverse, Espanol: Como decir hola en diferentes idiomas, Portugués: Como Dizer Olé em Diferentes Idiomas, PyccKh7: n03AopoaaTbc9 Ha pa3HblX 93blKax DiscussPrintEmailEditSend fan mail to authors

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