Monday, October 16, 2017

The Effects Of Music On Endurance Training

The Effect of Music on the Performance of Endurance Athletes Cover Page... ....................................................................................... 1 Table of 2 Purpose of project and Reason Contents 3 Introduction on 4 The Different Type of Music and music ... 5 Music and sports........ — 6-7 Music and the brain... 8-9 Music and Muscles... ........... ..... 9-10 Introduction of endurance ....................... 1 1 Endurance Training and Conclusion cited... — for topic style... music.... ... 1-12 .... 12-13 work The Independent study project is a project that is given to students to take time and earn and understand new things about health, diet etc. The purpose of this project is for us to research and become an expert on our topic of interest chosen during the class. This topic selected must be researched thoroughly and must be written down in this document. Rationale for Topic Choice The reason I choose this as my primary topic is because I was always very interested and love listening to music.

Through personal experience I have noticed that when I listen to music while working out I have noticed a significant change in personality and also an extra boost in motivation. After a through and hard research, I will finally motivation and a better exercise. Introduction to Music What is music? Music is the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition. (1) Music can be many things and has many different purposes to such as to help, motivate and heal etc.

Music has influenced the world for hundreds of years now; some people live for music while other takes music as a hobby or pastime. (http://evidencebasedliving. human. cornell. edu/2013/07/29/the-evidence-on-music- therapy'') Music has quite a powerful affect on people status. If you''re a person who is upset you can listen to music to cheer you up. Another example would be if you were exercising while running around early in the morning, you will be tired and not in the mood but if you listen to music that can help boost your motivation.

The list how music can benefit you go quite long but the main part is how does it make your stronger? The Different Type of Music and Style Researchers have found out that most people could make an accurate Judgement about a person''s creativity, open-mindedness after listening to their top ten favourite songs. Each athlete can have their personal song choice but depend on the athlete''s sport they have different music types. The type of music a person listens to can Judge their character while some music work better then others for training.

Music Type Personality Pop You as a person are probably someone who is honest and conversational, and are also hard workers and have high self-esteem. Rap / Hip Hop You are probably aggressive or violent person, and have quite high self-esteem and are always outgoing. Country Country people are usually hardworking, conversational and also very emotionally You have Low self-esteem and very creative Classical Good sense of self-esteem and are very creative Jazz, Blues and Souls Extravagant and have high-selfesteem Data is based off from (http://psychology. about. om/od/personalitydevelopment/a/ music-and-personality. htm When training an athlete it is recommended to listen to pop music as it could increase the motivation mainly while they still can listen to other music. Music has a great affect on people as it has been with us for centuries Music and Sports Music has a huge impact when playing sports, music is a way to distract oneself from he physical activity they are enduring and to try to lessen their consciousness of fatigue. However recent studies have seen that music has a much greater effect than just providing a distraction. 2) Through studies made by sport psychologists, they have determined that music has a great impact on the performance of an athlete''s athletic abilities. Dr. Costas krageorghis from the Brunel University has done studies to see the results of music and how it affects the human body. Through listening to synchronous music it has proven out that it can increase an athletes performance up 20%, which is quite a lot. 2) Music provides a distraction; music will often help calm athletes nerves. It can also be used to synchronize the rhythm of body movement and motions.

Music will pump up the energy levels for motivation to get more done and will be much more focused. Music can help distract athletes from their surrounds and from any distraction, which will interfere with the athlete''s performance. Music can increase your heart rate depending on the different types of music. Usually when a song has a steady beat, it can often be vey effective and powerful. Pop appears to be one of the ost powerful effects on an athlete; it has been called a ''performance-enhancing stimulant. Studies done by Gregory Ter-Arutyunov from the university of Miami, prove how listening to music while exercising can reduces your awareness of how hard your workout is by almost up to 10%-15%. (4) (http://news. bbcimg. co. uk/media/ images,''701 Music makes it a lot easier for your brain to follow a fast but steady pace because of the beat of music, which also helps you control your nerves. This is because in one part of the ear it picks up sound and controls balance and some other functions. Music does many things and plays some major roles such as coordination and control, and also improves productivity.

Music and the Brain Can listening to music be good and have physiological benefits? Levitin and colleagues published a Meta-Analysis of 400 studies in the Journal Trends in researchers studied patients who were about to undergo surgery. Participants were randomly assigned to either listen to music or take anti-anxiety drugs. Scientists tracked patient''s ratings of their own anxiety, as well as the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. (5) The results showed that the patients who listened to music had ess anxiety and lower cortisol than people who took drugs.

Levitin cautioned that this is only one study, and more research needs to be done to confirm on the results, but it points toward a powerful medicinal use for music. (5) Through the data collected it shows how music cab be arguable to be better and less expensive then the drugs taken when having surgery, while there are no side affects when you listen to music. Levitin and colleagues has evidence that music is associated with the immunoglobulin, a class of proteins present in the serum and cells of which is in the immune system and functions as antibodies. Immunoglobulin (http://content. answcdn. com/main/content/img/elsevier/vet/gr222.

Jpg) Music may activate the flow of stored memory across the corpus callosum. This allows the right and left-brain hemispheres to work in harmony rather than in conflict. Since music is nonverbal in nature, it will trigger the right hemisphere. When used in a therapeutic nature, the verbalization of words will trigger the logical left- brain at the same time, which allow the brain to communication between the left and right brain. (6) (http://www. livestrong. com/article/1 57461 -how-music-affects-the-human-brain/) Music and Muscles Music does a lot with different muscles increasing their endurance and potential.

Music with rhythm can increase the action potential in the muscles of the cranial region and the extremities. Research has been done that show when you don''t listen to music compared to listening to music is worse. Music can cause a state of relaxation, which causes an increase in blood flow. When you have more blood flow through why you train, which means more oxygen. (6) Through the multiple of research done, it shows how most individuals who listen to music while training will ave their muscles more relaxed and can work harder and have a higher heart rate.

Depending on the different genres of music, it does matter. If you listen to the music type you like or is your personality then there will be more relaxation and less stiff in the muscles to perform better overall. So if your going to listen to music you should make sure its your personal choice, but pop would be recommended over classical. (http://breakingmuscle. com/sports-psychology/how-music-affects-your-workout) A different investigator named Pearce (born in 1981) has an experiment on seeing the nfluence of music, sedative music and silence (no music) on measured grip strength.

There were 33 males and 16 females, who were undergraduates picked randomly assigned to the different type of stimulant listed above. After the analysis showed when listening to sedative music decreased strength significantly when compared to between the stimulus and having silence. Endurance training Endurance training is athletic training that is designed to improve your stamina and endurance. Athletes would use endurance training for both long and short events or races. When going through endurance training your body will undergoes hysiological changes.

The major organs that endurance training affects are your lungs, your heart. When you go though endurance training your heart rate should slow down as you would need less oxygen for a the same time period as before, while the lungs would exchange more oxygen at a constant rate. This form of training is training for a long time period. This may include a verity of exercises that will keep you flexible, and allow you plenty of time to warp up and cool down so you don''t injure yourself easily. (8) (http://us. 123rf. om/400wm/400/400/warrengoldswain/warrengoldswain1207/ arrengoldswainl 20700092/14342191 -portrait-of-a-woman-athlete-runner-training- outdoors-with-cap-and-headphones-listening-to-music-endu. ]pg) Endurance training and music Research has been done by Dr. Costas Krageorghis from Brunel Universities school of sport and education who did a study on how music can significantly increase a person''s physical endurance. (9) This study has been done multiple of times making the results more valid. During studies, listening to a section of motivational rock or pop music would help you and enhance your endurance up to 1 allowing them to run faster. ) Dr Krageorghis also explains, "The synchronous application of music that resulted in much higher endurance while motivational qualities of the music impacted significantly on the interpretation of fatigue symptoms right up to the point of voluntary exhaustion. "(9) This coming from Dr. Krageorghis tells us how much makes difference durance endurance training and how it could benefit you to run faster and stopping the pain. Anyone who plans on using exercise as part of their endurance training should try and listen to music while they run to give them a good boost even in the toughest of times. http://whyfiles. rg/204endurance_training/images/st13_beltran_leads Jpg) Overall Conclusion Throughout the whole research, all the data collected point to one answer. Music will always benefit you, but the best music that you should listen to would be either being pop music or motivational rock music. Music can do many different things to your body and brain there are many things that music can tell about their character. From the research that Dr. Costas Krageorghis has done, it proves how endurance training would be more effective if listening to music to motivate a person while they are in ain from the entire time running.

Therefore music has a great effect on endurance training giving a maximum of 15% boost to motivate the runner. (1)- Kyoshi. "What Is Music? " The Effect of Music. Music, 12 Feb. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. "The Times. " The times. N. p. , 3 Aug. 2011. web. 12 NOV. 2013. (3) - "Does Music Help You Run Faster? A Look at the Scientific Research. " : Runners connect. N. p. , 12 Mar. 2011. web. 21 NOV. 2013. (4) - Ter-Arutyunov. "The Effects of Music on Athletic Performance. " The Effects of Music on Athletic Performance. Ter-Arutyunov, Spencer Kroll, Stephen Allen, Kyle Ulrich, 12 Mar. 005. web. 8 NOV. 2013. (5)Landau, Elizabeth. "This Is Your Brain on Music. " CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. web. 10 NOV. 2013. (6) "Vancitybuzz. " Vancity Buzz Vancouver Events News Food Lifestyle and More. 12 Jan. 2011. vancit-y Buzz. 23 NOV. 2013 . (7)Len Kravitz, Ph. D. "Music and Exercise. " Music and Exercise. 12 May 2010. 24 Nov. 2013 . (8)McMahon, Mary, and O. Wallace. "Endurance training. " WiseGeek. 28 Oct. 2013. conjecture. 27 NOV. 2013 . (9)"Does Music Really Increase Exercise Endurance?. " Does Music Really Increase Exercise Endurance? yes, BY 15 percent. 12 Apr. 2010. 28 NOV. 2013 .

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