Tuesday, October 10, 2017

American Headway 3

American Headway 3 BY cynthta8822997 Unit 3 Vocabulary suicide n. self-murder almost always used with the verbs commit or attempt He attempted suicide after his firm had gone bankrupt. 2. fellow ad]. fellow n. ad]. a member of a group having common characteristics. They are my fellow students in the College of Management. N. a man or a boy John is a really nice fellow. 3. quarrel v. to argue It''s no use quarrelling about it with me. 4. slip v. to move by sliding or to fall down because you have lost your footing on something slippery - like ice or a wet floor She slipped on the ice. spring from ph. to appear suddenly and unexpectedly from a particular place Where on earth did you spring from? 6. beg v. to ask sb for Sth especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much They begged him for help. 7. wretched ad]. feeling ill/sick or unhappy; making you feel sympathy or pity I felt wretched about the 8. strength n. N the quality of being physically strong He pushed against the rock with all his strength. 9. embrace v. to hug They embraced each other warmly. 10. ad]. tragic very, very sad He distinguished himself as a tragic actor. 11. rief orrow; sadness The mother went mad with grief after the child died. 12. hatred n. hate She felt her dislike rapidly deepening to hatred. 13. clumsy ad]. to be awkward; to often drop or spill things or bump into or trip over things; not graceful The clumsy boy bumped into the table. 14. declare v to announce openly or strongly He declared that he was honest. 15. decline v 1. to give or send refusal He declined to answer. 2. to fall to a lower level; decrease Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month. 16. farewell v. Farewell! I hope we meet in New York next week. 17. madness n. e state of being crazy; craziness; insaneness There is method in his madness. 18. overwhelm v. 1 . to defeat; to cover or swallow up completely The defense was overwhelmed by superior numbers. 2. to be too much to handle or to do I was overwhelmed by the sadness at the end of this tragic story. 19. tension n. mental strain; pressure; stress He is suffering from nervous tension. 20. testify v. to bear witness; to say what you think is true or what you saw or belive The witness was in danger after agreeing to testify that he had seen the gangster kill a man. 21 . upside down adv. have what should be on the top at the bottom Everything in the room was turned upside down. eternal ad]. without beginning or end; forever The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him. insane ad]. crazy; be not sane; mad It''s completely insane to fly in this weather. 24. tragedy n. a serious play having an unhappy ending Shakespeare''s Hamlet is one of best known tragedies. 25. stunned (ad]. ) John was stunned by the beautiful waterfall. 26. horrified (ad]. ) frightened, terrified; disgusted We were horrified by what we saw. 27. reject (v. ) To exclude, to bar, to eliminate, to expel.

The plan was rejected. 28. stuff (n. ) ingredients, things I''ve got quite a lot of stuff to read (v. ) to fill, to load, to pack, to gorge He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes. 29. nobleman (n. ) A man of noble rank. Prince Charles is a nobleman in England. warring (ad]. ) war (n. ) (ad]. ) opposed, conflicting. John and Peter are warring because both of them loved the same girl. There was a war between the U. S. A. and Iraq. 31. reciprocated (ad]. ) To repay, to pay back You will be reciprocated for giving others Joy and blessing 32. voluntarily (adv. ) To do something willingly.

They were said to have left their land voluntarily 33. alliance (n. ) A close association of people, nations or other groups donate (v. ) to give to charity; to present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute. She donated her books to the library 35. depression (n. ) The condition of being depressed. The trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression 1. despite 2. in spite of Steven -rsat?? 37. dismiss feud n. a long dispute, argument or fght between different families, tribes or groups The feud between the two tribes was older than anyone could remember. 39. 1. iquor n. 2. wine n. 3. alcohol n. . a distilled alcoholic beverage, like brandy or whiskey, different from fermented alcoholic beverages, like wine or beer. Are whiskey and other liquors available here ? 2. an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting grapes (or sometimes other fruits) May I help you to another glass of wine? 3. Also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, ethanol, fermentation alcohol: a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C 2 H 5 OH, having a strong odor and burning taste, which is poisonous, but can make people drunk in small amounts ALSO USED: to talk about ny drink that contains alcohol, like beer wine, whiskey, etc.

He decided to stop drinking alcohol after the accident . 40. pulse n. the beating of the heart The patient has a weak pulse. 41. rancor n. hatred; dislike; hostility; bad feelings There is often a lot of rancor between different political parties. 42. 1. shiny 2. glowing 3. bright Mill?? swear Mill?? *an!! woe n. troubles; sorrow; grief; pain Most of our domestic financial woes can be ascribed to military spending. 45. entire ad]. all; whole; complete; She finally ran the entire distance.

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