Equality: treat everyone equal, be respectful to all service users and listen to each other. Shared decision making: allowing patients to make decision about the care they want to receive. The government sets legislations that give a clear guideline to healthcare setting managers no how to develop policies for effective partnership working. Not following the acts set by the government can lead to prosecution and cost the healthcare setting a lot of money.
The Anti-Discrimination Act 1999 defines how to practice care without discriminating, hile protecting service users from discrimination because of their sex, age, gender and so on: for example if a gay patient walk into the hospital wanting care, they have the right to be treated fairly regardless of the health worker personal believes about gay people. Human Rights Act 1998 defines people''s human rights: for example if a female Muslim patient wants to be seen by a woman doctor rather than a male doctor, the health care settings has to respect her religious believes and get her a emale doctor, in do so they are effectively following the Act.
Primary care trust is made up of walk in centres, dentists, GPs and so on (funded by local council), secondary care trust is made of the A+E and hospitals and so on. Unfortunately patients have come to secondary care trusts for care, when they could have went to primary care trust as a result the government has had to review the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and after the review they have decided to combine primary care trusts and secondary care trusts to save the government money.
Differences in healthcare emerge from lack of knowledge, different religious believes, deference in culture, different culture, age gaps, healthcare practices not being trusted maybe because of lack of care in the practice and so on. The Data Protection Act 1984 is meant to make sure personal information is kept private and accessed by the right staff: if a patient''s medical history was assessed by the wrong person or if the health worker was to discuss it with people that don''t need to know the history this can lead o differences between the patient and doctor or the practice, this would be a break of confidently.
Protection from Harassment act 1997 is meant to make sure services users are not to be troubled, tormented, pushed or touched inappropriately by other services users: for example if a manager was treating a health worker because they refuse to go out with them, this can lead to differences in the practice. To avoid problems like these in healthcare settings, service users have to be treated fairly, equally, listened to and work together. working in partnership By bennal 11
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