Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Essay About An Essay

Brandon Prewitt Life Science 11/21/13 Evolution Evolution is a mystery. For centuries mankind has questioned its past. "Where did we come from? " is a question frequently asked. Many scientist and great think thinkers have tried to come up with the answers to evolution. Some answers were thoughtful and creative while others were unordinary and far out. There are many current and past theories to the spectacular evolution of the human race. Charles Darwin first created the theory of evolution. His work, the "Origin of Species," gave evidence for evolution and natural selection.

Natural selection is the dea or process that species change over time and individuals with certain genes will have a better chance at survival than others. The ones who survive produces offspring that spread the gene throughout the population. When enough genetic changes isolate a population, it becomes a new species. Since Darwin, new scientists have been able to test and compare the genetic makeup of humans. They have found out that the genes in people and chimpanzees are identical. This means the apes are the closest living relatives to humans. Scientist have said that this new finding does not mean that humans evolved from apes.

The ew theory is that human and apes came from one species, making humans and apes distant cousins. We are related to other living primates, but we did not descend from them. Most scientists believe our common ancestor existed 5 to 8 million years ago. Then two species broke off into separate lineages, one ultimately evolving into gorillas and chimps, the other evolving into early humans. In my opinion I agree with parts of past and current theories of evolution. Humans have evolved from one species to what we are today. There is much evidence to prove this fact. The world cannot be ignorant to what fossils prove.

The fossils xplain the gradual change that our human race has gone through. New theories of evolution will always be made. We can look at past theories as examples to look at. Scientist will continue to push forward to find the answers. Theories aren''t always correct. The idea of evolution at all may not be true. But will mankind ever fgure out where we truly came from and how? We will have to wait and see to find out. "Evolution. " Livescience. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. http:// www. livescience. com/topics/evolution/ Infoplease. Infoplease, n. d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. http://www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0932663. html

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