Confucious pushed for humanism and that whatever a person does to another, may it be good or bad, while eventually return to them in some shape or form. As for Plato, he believed in expanding the ideas of logic and rationalization. All three teachings were very similar in certain ways, and yet very different and unique in other ways. One way that Buddha and Confucious'' teachers were similar is that they both believed that there were no Gods or God.
They believed that what you did on the earth came solely from you and that it would get back to you in some time. At the same time, they did not refuse the idea of a higher spirit. The two religions solely pushed to encourage their followers that there was no higher spirit but if they anted to believe in one, they were not to be faulted by their beliefs. Buddha encouraged his followers that they one should focus on reaching Nirvana, or off the wheel of life. Confucius, too, thought that the gods were irrelevant.
Confucianism, as he taught it, was simply a philosophy, a way of life. Confucious taught his followers to reject the thought of spiritual mysteries, even though he never discredited the idea of Gods and Goddesses. Another way that Buddhism is similar to Confucianism is that they both consider wisdom a fundamental part of life. Buddhism teaches that that one should obtain erfect understanding of the world around him and also obtain full enlightenment, to reach Nirvana.
Nirvana is what every follower of Buddha dreams of and works for every day of their life to reach. Buddhism believes in reincarnation after life. When one person reaches Nirvana, that person is no longer reborn. Nirvana is when one person reaches him or herself and finds what he or she truly desires in life. When that person cannot be defined by anyone else except themselves. As for Confucians, they value their elderly Just about as much as Buddhists value Nirvana. They believe that the elderly are the wisest of anyone.
The elderly have lived through the most experiences; therefore they should have the most authority when it comes down to decisions. Confucious tried to encourage that wisdom was taught through listening and studying, but utmost, it was learned through experience, which is why the elderly are so sought after in Confucianism. One way that Plato''s teachings can be compared to Confucious'' teachings is how the two went about actually teaching their beliefs. The two used dialogues to relay their messages to their followers.
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