Therefore, many employers hire less to save money. This causes a non-sufficient pay rate for comfortable living and high unemployment rates. The cabinets full of little to no food and small sized rooms full of multiple beds are what I see. The not so well put together houses in poor communities are full of kids and roommates. Living with cousins, aunts, and uncles are the norm here. We all have to share beds and one bathroom. Dinners are prepared every night as a necessity but other than that breakfast and lunch were to be eaten at school because t''s hard to afford all that food for everyone at home.
The struggles of Just being able to pay the bills, buy shoes, and clothes are the issues that are rising in the middle class with the inflation and taxes. Middle class families are defined more by their aspirations than their income. Body: Body 1 : (The cost of living over the years has dramatically increased due to high consumer demands of products. ) For many families in the middle class that''s how life starts out; but later in life generations grow up to realize that they need to become part of the working middle lass to provide a sufficient lifestyle.
Now a days though, it''s always about buying the trendiest thing, name brands, and getting a discount for EVERYTHING! Things like that cause for a higher demand of standard living. The social needs for these products are causing many families to sacrifice things like food to obtain these products. These products are trying to influence are lives for the better, but in all actuality is it really worth giving up dinner for the week to have a new phone or tablet.
This sense of technology is taking over our lives and turning us into couch otato zombies with no active lifestyle because all we want to do is dwell on the internet and social media networks. For example, years ago there were no television ads, cellphones, or computers to stimulate our senses. Now that we do have all that, we are taking advantage of our products and economy, whether we see it and believe it or not. These things are unnecessary for standard living but now the upcoming hand, without consumers buying products and manufacturers making these products, our economy would no longer exist.
That is the belief that consumer atisfaction is that the economy is fundamentally ruled by consumer desires is called consumer sovereignty. Consumer sovereignty is the idea that consumers'' needs and wants determine the shape of all economic activities. Therefore, consumer sovereignty is the fundamental mechanism that guides economies. Body 2: ($7. 25 is Just not enough to pay for food, the bills, and a happy lifestyle. ) Body3: (There are many Jobs that dislike paying high wages. Therefore, many employers hire less to save money.
This causes a non-sufficient pay rate for omfortable living and high unemployment rates. ) For many people, work defines a significant part of their role in society. Work can create and maintain relationships. It may be a basis for self-respect and a significant part of what gives life interest and meaning. Citations: Last, First M. Book. City: Publisher, Year Published. Print. (Book) Last name, First name. "Article Title. " Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed.. (Websites) Last, First M. "Article Title. Magazine Title. Date Month Year Published: Page(s). Print. (Magazine) Last, First M. "Article Title. " Newspaper Title [City] Date Month Year Published: Page(s). Print. (Newspaper) Last, First M. , and First M. Last. "Article Title" Journal Title. Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Print. Oournal) Neva Goodwin, Julie A. Nelson, Frank Ackerman, Thomas Weisskopf. "Consumption and the consumer society. " Massachusetts: Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute, 2008. Print Oczkowski Randy. "Minimum Wage Persuasive Essay" StudyMode. com. 03 25 2013. web. 12 042013
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