These sites offer introductions and reference for help with Middle English and the English spoken in Renaissance times. In this chapter there are factor that made the condition''s change. First is the printing press, it is introduced by William Caxton (1476) he is an art of the continent learner. Second is the rapid spread of popular education, there are great numbers of schools, journalist, novels appeared in this period. Third is the increased communication and means of communication, so it caused exchanged of commodities and ideas.
Fourth is the growth of social consciousness, natural tendency to identify their self. Because all of that there are effect in grammar and vocabulary through the reading habit and ll forms of communication, so it stimulating to the growth of the vocabulary. The problem also rised in the vernaculars, the problem are recognition in the fields where Latin had for centuries been supreme, the establishment of a more uniform orthography and the enrichment of the vocabulary.
After the problem that I wrote, there are many problem that rised in this period, likes orthography problems, enrichment problem, the opposition to inkhorn terms, rejected words and many others. Shakespeare is also become the main factor in this period, because shakespeare had the largest vocabulary of any english writer, he''s pronunciation was uch more like ours, so his literary products has always been realized.
From all that factors have efected the gramatical features of english, in the noun ( making the plural and the possessive singular), the adjective ( the comparative and superlative was more variation), the pronoun ( the pronoun of you'' for ye'' as a nominative case, often pronounced alike), the verb ( im personal uses of verb were much common). So I can concluded that a conscious interest in the English language and attention to its problems are now widely manifasted and English was much more plastic than now.
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