Friday, October 20, 2017

Birmingham Gateway: Business Case Executive Summary Report

Birmingham Gateway Business Case Executive Summary May 2008 Birmingham Gateway - Business Case Executive Summary Report Contents BACKGROUND 3 ADDRESSING THE PROBLEMS 4 APPRAISAL RESULTS 7 CONCLUSIONS 10 Page 3 Background - May 2008 Network Rail, Birmingham City Council, Centro and Advantage West Midlands (the Partners) are working in partnership to develop a proposal for the transformation of Birmingham New Street Station and its immediate environment.

The proposed ''Gateway Plus'' Scheme goes beyond purely addressing the problems with the station, in favour of a comprehensive project to deliver national rail, regional transport and ider regeneration benefits within one integrated scheme. This integrated scheme aims to overcome the current problems and the future constraint on the DfT Rail (and formerly the Strategic Rail Authority) has also provided active support to the Partners during the project development process. 2. The proposed scheme is designed to: a. overcome the current problems and the future constraints that result from the existing station design b. ct as a catalyst for the continued regeneration of the "Southside" of Birmingham City Centre, the City of Birmingham as a whole and the wider West Midlands region c. rovide a "worldclass" station that reflects Birmingham''s status as the UK''s second city and a premier European destination d. provide the city and the region with a "gateway'' on to the rail network of which it can be Justly proud e. enhance the overall passenger experience by transforming the performance and appearance of the station, improving pedestrian routes and linkages to the city centre facilitate integration with other public transport modes g. ring forward the creation of an exciting opportunity for a major private sector commercial development to the southern aspect, all linked with significant new high uality public realm within and around the station environs 3. This wide range of stakeholder objectives has created a unique opportunity that will benefit people across Birmingham, the West Midlands, and the I-JK. The Partners involved with the proposed Birmingham Gateway project are united in their vision and determination to see the project fully delivered within the proposed programme and budget, and to a quality standard that will stand the test of time.

Birmingham Gateway - Business Case Executive Summary Report - May 2008 Page 4 4. After a thorough design and development process and a rigorous appraisal, the Partners have selected the ''Gateway Plus'' scheme as the preferred option. It is the only option that achieves the combined objectives of the partners by creating a world class gateway to the region, acting as a catalyst for economic development within the City and wider West Midlands Region and addressing major transport issues. 5. xternal appearance, facilitates public transport interchange, improves pedestrian routes and linkages to the city centre, encouraging and accelerating the regeneration and redevelopment of the city and the region. The scheme represents high value for money and benefits are strong. The scheme also provides the opportunity to enable circa E200m of private sector commercial development, to the southern aspect and shopping centre. This is linked with significant new high quality public realm within the station environment to deliver an integrated development that will provide major impact and benefit to the city. . There is significant policy support for the transformation of Birmingham New Street station at the national, regional and local levels. Moreover, a wide spectrum of stakeholders including national and local politicians, key business leaders and the eneral public have strongly demonstrated their support for urgent action to address the acknowledged problems at the station and its immediate environment. 7. Birmingham New Street station is one of the biggest and busiest rail stations in the I-JK, and the hub of the local and national rail networks.

It is a sub surface station and was the first in the I-JK to include the development of its "air rights", a matter that has since become much more widely adopted and understood, particularly in connection with the need to utilise designs that ensure the optimum passenger experience. It serves as the largest interchange station outside of London with direct services to most of the country. However, many passengers using the station endure congestion and a poor travelling experience.

All forecasts and trends show that the number of passengers is set to grow leading to the further exacerbation of the problems caused by the present station layout and design. There is clear evidence that, due to poor visual amenity, limited pedestrian access and unpleasant built form, the station drags down the citys image and attractiveness to investors and visitors. 8. In addition to enhancing the image of the city, the transformation of the station will radically improve the visitor experience.

As a major transport hub the station and its environment provide the first impression of the city and the wider region. Its importance for inward investment, which the region needs in order to grow its economic base, is widely acknowledged throughout the city and the wider region. Addressing the Problems 9. detail, from a long list, for the redevelopment of the station and its environs that seek to address the present and predicted transport and regeneration challenges.

Table 1 ummarises the performance of each option against the project objectives agreed by the stakeholders at the start of the business case work. These objectives are based on approved local, regional and national objectives. This analysis clearly shows that the Gateway options best meet these objectives. Table 1 Page 5 Performance against Project Objectives Objectives Incremental Capacity Masterplan Gateway 1 Gateway 2 Providing passenger capacity for forecast growth Low High Improving the facilities and environment within the station Medium Access to and from the station and integration between modes

Improving pedestrian routes in the city centre across and through the station commercial activities within the station from the hinterland Transport (Rail) Minimum Transforming the visual impression of the station and its setting as a visible and attractive gateway to the city Eliminate need for station closures and support public transport led city and regional growth Value for Money Overcoming negative perceptions of rail and the city Creating the stimulus for Jobs and investment in Birmingham and the West Midlands Kick start to regeneration in the south and west of the city Capacity constraints of station n further rail enhancement plans Inter-dependency of New Street and other L TP schemes Contribute to achieving modal shift from car use Supporting public transport led growth at Birmingham International Airport and NEC Improving operation and management of the station Transport (Multi Modal) City / Region Regeneration Wider Economic Benefits Other Page 6 10. The Incremental and Capacity Masterplan Schemes fail to meet key objectives, particularly with respect to city regeneration, and therefore do not have the support of the wider stakeholders. As a result the adoption of either of these schemes would ot address local stakeholders funding criteria. 11. there are considerable transportation and regeneration benefits delivered by the Gateway schemes. In summary these are: A.

TRANSPORTATION Station Overcrowding: Without significant infrastructure changes the frequency of station closures will increase over time; leading to mode switch away from rail and a negative perception of Birmingham as a destination. Train Service Performance benefits: Addresses the problem of trains, which have been re-platformed, extending their dwell time as passengers are delayed in getting to the new platform and boarding he waiting train; Reduces reactionary delays across the I-JK rail network. Rail user and non user walk time benefits: Reduces walk times between platforms and to and from station entrances; Provides greater permeability of the station; Aids city centre connectivity. Provides for enhanced public transport interchange (bus, metro, station heavy rail) Highway and safety impacts: Mode shift from road to rail will reduce congestion and road accidents.

Value of Station Facilities: Addresses current poor provision of station facilities; Provides a high quality Journey experience for all, including the mobility impaired. Revenue impacts: More rail passengers will result in greater revenue income for the train operating companies; leading to A revenue boost for DfT Rail as a result of a clawback mechanism in future franchise agreements; Improved retail facilities will result in higher retail revenue levels for Network Rail. Ticketless travel: Addressing loss of revenue due to ticketless travel on train services. page 7 REGENERATION Property and regeneration: Creating a Gateway to the city and region Catalyst for the regeneration of the City to the south and east of the Station Redeveloping city centre brownfield land

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